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  1. Maggot9

    New song FIRST KILL is out on Spotify

    I randomly opened the AA page on Spotify and low and behold there was their new song. Took me a minute to realize it was actually there. Enjoy.
  2. Maggot9

    Surtur Rising impressions

    So guys? How do you like it? I'm still on my first listen right now, but it's been great so far! Favourite tracks? Least favourite? Let's discuss!
  3. Maggot9

    new song!- Slaves of Fear Enjoy!
  4. Maggot9

    Amon Amarth twitter?

    sup yall Anyone know if!/amonamarthband is their official twitter? It says it is, and it's the most populated AA account, but these days you never know with all the fake accounts going around. Figure it might be a good way to get updates on the band. Cheers.
  5. Maggot9

    In hindsight, is Twlight better than WOOOS?

    I know a lot of people (me included) thought that TOTTG didn't hold a candle to With Oden... Fast forward through the months post-Twilight's release, and I find it's one of the AA albums I continually listen to, while WOOOS barely gets any. I'd say now, in retrospect, that Twilight is in...
  6. Maggot9

    Post your favourite pic of Amon Amarth

    Post your favourite pic of them as a band. I've always liked these ones:
  7. Maggot9

    New album titles! (some of them, anyway)

    After 5 weeks of being locked away at Fascination Street Studios, we are proud to say that we have recorded yet another outstanding album. All that's left to do is some mixing and soon the album will be ready to be heard by metal fans everywhere. Here are a few track titles to get the blood...
  8. Maggot9

    Opeth posterflags?

    Anyone know where to get any? Opeth's online store doesn't have 'em (they don't have much of anything, actually :goggly:). Maybe one of just their logo, or with some album art or something?
  9. Maggot9

    SOTU Toronto show

  10. Maggot9

    SOTU Toronto show

    delete, sorry about the multiple posts
  11. Maggot9

    I lol'd :ill:
  12. Maggot9

    Ghost Reveries SE documentary

    is it on youtube? I cant find it..
  13. Maggot9


    this Friday, who's going? Id like to, but I have a fuckton of work to do for school due to end of the year projects...whos going?
  14. Maggot9

    Where to get a Mjollnir?

    Any place online to get a nice one?
  15. Maggot9

    for the love of fuck sake..
  16. Maggot9

    Have you guys seen this? \m/
  17. Maggot9

    New Amon Amarth mp3 Cry of the Black Birds Thoughts?
  18. Maggot9

    Ozielzinho (fantastic guitar player)

    My dad just told me about him today, and sent me his website. Its not english, but its easy to navigate. Heres a link, and hes got videos too, you should watch him, pretty amazing if I do say so myself. What do you think? Plus, if you like Opeth, which im sure you...
  19. Maggot9

    With Oden....release?

    Why no mention of a US/Canada release? 0_0
  20. Maggot9

    Amon Amarth art

    it was for school. teacher told me no blood, but what the fuck. it turned out shittier than expected. oh well.