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  1. mpj1

    Bootcamp series

    Looking forward to throwing my money at you for this new series, Matt. They won't be out soon enough. :notworthy Matt
  2. mpj1

    History of a Time to Come

    I've been anxiously awaiting the release of this thrash documentary for as long as I can remember. The project's website is very rarely updated, so it's difficult to gauge how close the film is to completion. I don't do FB or Twitter, so maybe they actively post news there. Are any of you...
  3. mpj1

    My bank account is sad...

    ...because it just noticed Iordan's latest store update. Holy cow! :OMG:
  4. mpj1

    Thanks, Divebomb!

    I'm a newbie around this board (and to Divebomb), but I just wanted to write a quick note and mention how much I'm enjoying all the Divebomb releases so far. I was turned onto the label a couple of months ago by Matt Johnsen, when he mentioned doing the liner notes for the Scanner reissues...
  5. mpj1

    Blotted Science - Animation Of Entomology

    Ken, Are you planning to stock this soon? It's in stock at CD Baby, but I can't stand ordering from them if I can help it. Matt
  6. mpj1

    Ed - NEARFest

    Hey Ed, I could have sworn I saw your name on the NF 2006 patron program, but it's not there today. Are you still planning on going? I'm pretty excited about the lineup this year - especially Ozrics and Keith Emerson. I'm also looking forward to seeing Riverside. I've never heard them...