Search results

  1. rockyracoon

    Now watching:

    To compliment the "now reading" thread, how about a thread to discuss what you're watching. Whether it be theatrical release, dvd, tv, or whatever else, offer up some recommendations, critiques and the like. This isn't necessarily to replace the new movie threads, but rather to serve as a...
  2. rockyracoon

    Now watching:

    To compliment the "now reading" thread, how about a thread to discuss what you're watching. Whether it be theatrical release, dvd, tv, or whatever else, offer up some recommendations, critiques and the like. A few movies I've seen recently that I liked: -There will be Blood -Atonement...
  3. rockyracoon

    Right at Your Door...

    Anyone else catch this movie? Just rented last night, and I was pretty freaked out by it. It's basically about dirty bomb that goes off in downtown Los Angeles. As the government scrambles to find answers about just what "bio toxins" were used, we what is essentially mass hysteria. It...
  4. rockyracoon


    Anyone here a fan of Lost? I plan on picking up season 3 hopefully tonight. Probably my favorite show on TV right now, and I gotta believe there's others here who are fans so maybe this can serve as a place to discuss the show.
  5. rockyracoon

    PP DVD: What are you hoping for?

    With so many great moments at PPVIII, what are some that you all feel would be worthy of being on the upcoming DVD? Personally, I am REALLY hoping that Firewind's Brother's Keeper featuring Stephen Fredrick is on there, or perhaps Between Heaven and Hell.:rock:
  6. rockyracoon

    Faith No More & Living Colour as Headliners

    Faith No More is beyond under-appreciated in the metal genre. Probably because many would like to group them in with much of the other early 90's grunge garbage. It's been a while since they've done anything of any value or relevance, and so I'm wondering what it would take to assemble even a...
  7. rockyracoon


    Here's the link... the best video ever, and a seasonal favorite! How can you not like this? I remeber being like 7 yrs old and loving every second of this video/song. When I got older the actual choreography of it is just astounding. Nobody makes videos like this anymore... Happy...
  8. rockyracoon

    Any chance of a US tour?

    With the release of God's Equation, is there any chance of Pagan's Mind doing any shows in the U.S. in the next year or so? Figured I'd ask since it seems there are quite a few people on this forum who are close to the band and might have some insight. Thanks.
  9. rockyracoon

    Tony Macalpine anyone?

    Was just spinning Freedom to Fly and found myself wondering why we haven't seen a TMac solo tour in recent years. He has clearly done more than enough to separate himself from the brilliant musicians he's worked with. His catalog is rivaled by very few in the realm of guitar mastery. Who else...
  10. rockyracoon

    Silence From Angels Above - Question

    Lately, been really grooving to Silence From Angel Above, a personal favorite. I think it might just have that sorta fall feel to it. Anyway, awhile back I remember Glenn mentioning a Japanese release with a bluesy/rock version. Has anyone here listened to this? Is it different from the...
  11. rockyracoon

    Liquid Tension Experiment to headline NEARfest in 2008

    Liquid Tension Experiment to headine Saturday night in 2008 "We are very pleased to announce the Saturday night headliner for NEARfest X - Liquid Tension Experiment! The supergroup consisting of Mike Portnoy, John Petrucci, Jordan Rudess and Tony Levin are reconvening and preparing to tear...
  12. rockyracoon

    Atlanta sushi recommendations

    Pretty straight forward, just looking for any sushi recommendations for Atlanta. Will be getting in on Wednesday afternoon but not attending the Oliva show. Sushi will be filling that void for me, instead. Staying at Granada, so if there's something even close by that would be great.
  13. rockyracoon

    Horror Movie Fans?

    Horror movies are by far my favorite genre. I'm wondering what are everybody's favorites/least favorites. A few personal favorites are: Phantasm I, II and III Susperia Don't Look in the Basement Halloween(original) The Evil Dead Evil Dead II Army of Darkness A few that I've...
  14. rockyracoon

    Steve Vai

    Saw the guy in Milwaukee last night at The Pabst Theater. I've seen him a few times now, but this may have been the best show. Sure, he is minus the likes of the amazing Mike Keneally, the incredible Mike Mangini, or even the comical Phillip Bynoe. However, he does come equipped with the...
  15. rockyracoon

    Kamelot/Epica 9/30 Chicago - Who's Going?

    Anyone here plan on hitting up The Pearl Room for this show? Kamelot will be amazing and anyone who caught Epica at PP knows they deliver with their live performance. Should be a great show. Hope to see some of you there.
  16. rockyracoon

    Prog Power VII

    OK so I know many of you here are planning on attending PPVII. So who are you? Some of this info may be redunant, but I'm also curious about the reasons "why" for those on this forum who ARENT attending. Is it something you consider each year, yet, havent pulled the trigger due to cost...
  17. rockyracoon

    Metal Mania w/Dream Theater?

    Anyone catch the Metal Mania on Vh1 tonight that featured Dream Theater? Aside from most likely the first viewing of the Pull Me Under video in prime-time since around 1992, there were some pretty cool interview segments with Petrucci and Portnoy which concluded with them talking about hitting...
  18. rockyracoon

    Amazing Journey...

    Amazing Journey, A Tribute to The Who:featuring Mike Portnoy, Paul Gilbert, Billy Sheehan and Gary Cherone. I know they are only doing 3 shows, one in CA, Chicago, and NYC. But I'm curious who has/will attend. I attended the Chicago show this evening, and am left with very mixed...
  19. rockyracoon

    Russell Needs to Do PPVII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    Hey Russell!!! You listening?? No, not you Jax. Russell??? For the love of God, please do PPVII with Jorn. What is it going to take man? Some people pooling together to pony up for your airfare too/back in a 24hr span. You were/are part of some very special music on The Battle. Now step...
  20. rockyracoon

    Any word on the Conception material?

    Glenn, I recall in a previous thread you had mentioned that you were sending out video footage to Conception for review, which I would assume was for potential release. I was wondering if there was any development in that. Also, if it were a success, is that an idea you would consider for...