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  1. Rødt_Og_Svart

    Rate my growl!

    Hey dudes! My (our) band is relatively new and these recordings are pretty crappy, but I thought I'd ask the Bloodbath (:kickass: ) vets here what they thought! The song "Dirge" has growled vocals by yours truly at the very beginning and end, excuse the middle part and my pathetic attempt at...
  2. Rødt_Og_Svart

    Cincinnati Setlist 2/19

    Ghost of Perdition White Cluster The Amen Corner Baying of the Hounds Closure Under the Weeping Moon The Grand Conjuration The Leper Affinity Deliverance Probably not the right order, but those are the songs \m/ the crowd (and me) were screaming so much for so many songs to be played, mike...
  3. Rødt_Og_Svart

    Hello Everyone!

    Just thought I'd say my hello - I have probably been reading these boards for more than 6 months and I've never even registered! PEAC EOUT!!1 \m/