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  1. children of COB

    COBOT I need your help!

    We're a lot of people from a loot of countries, and I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I could use your help in something which will be so fucking easy for you but could take me quite a bit of time and I don't have it. I have to hand in tomorrow 15 assignments of the dullest subject ever, and one of...
  2. children of COB

    Worst mixing ever

    I haven't seen it around, so here it goes: Children Of Bodom playing Angels Don't Kill with just one guitar (from the Unholly Alliance DVD). You can't hear Roope's guitar at any point. Not even during Alexi's solo. Seriously, even though it's not Bodom DVD but Slayer's the mix and master could...
  3. children of COB

    Chris Crocker loves Britney! :lol::lol::lol:

    Sorry if this has been posted before, but I laughed so hard at this that I will post it in case it's not been around.
  4. children of COB

    Is it true...

    ...that the bear is dead?? Is this the beggining of The Winamp Age??
  5. children of COB

    Listen to the new song Banned From Heaven here

    Banned From Heaven posted!!! Comments later! Official Myspace After first listen: improved guitar sound, nothing to do with TMR IMO. I'm liking the song.
  6. children of COB

    Guitar Compilation

    First of all: I DO know there's a guitar player thread, but there we discuss things about playing and maybe if someone gets a new axe squezes it in, but the goal of this thread is that every RR/ESP Alexi owner fills in with some pics of his axe and get a collection with all. I thought about...
  7. children of COB

    I've got a Raatikainen-related question

    I'm not sure wether to post it here or in the COBOT,because there threads are soooo off-topic,so I'll post here my question: I like Necrophagist but I'm not exactly a big fan,so I don't know many things about the band.Bu today I was bored at university and I decided to check it(dunno why,just...
  8. children of COB

    more RR??

    my questions are related with guitars but not with technical things or adjustments,and are too related to Sinergy,so I didn't know where to post it(the off-topic is too much off-topic for this I think),so I decided to make a thread for it. did alexi have other RR's appart from the...
  9. children of COB

    Myspace motherfuckers

    As everyone knows and the official site has said,there are many fake myspace profiles of supossed COB members.Ok,starting from here,there comes my has said that the only official profile is, ok.But do any COB members have profile(own profile,not fake...
  10. children of COB

    Lake Bodom II,XD Check this out,XD.
  11. children of COB

    Give your opinion What do you think of them?Consider that they've ben playing only one year and they've...
  12. children of COB

    Bodom in festivals/Wacken question

    2 questions: 1.Anyone who's been to a fest in which COB has played:do they play as in a normal gig or the fact of not beeing headers and be in a festival makes them play without the energy of the shows as headers? 2.Anyone who's been to Wacken:for how long do bands play in there?I supose...
  13. children of COB

    Guitar purchase

    Well,I want to change my old guitar and get one better.As I don't have much money I was thinking of two options and I would like to have opinions from other guitarists so I can make the better selection. The options are this: Yamaha pacific -380 euros -Floyd Rose Bridge -5 normal...
  14. children of COB

    COB live Barcelona 21-01-2006.Where you there?

    Hey!I was at Barcelona this year(great show it was,really great show),but I forgot my camera at home,so I was wondering if anyone has pictures from this day so he/she could send them to me to my e-mail or somethig.I would be really happy if someone could.Well that's it,BIG FUCKIN' THANKS...