Search results

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    Your story is on the big screen.
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    Happy Birthday Laura

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    Latin Jazz

    Hello Steve and everyone, So I am looking for some good latin jazz recommendation, especially brazilian. I am really liking the song "The Girl From Ipanema," so music in that style would be great. I already have and like a lot of Chick Corea--i'm not THAT much of a latin jazz n00b.
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    Strands of Fascia

    Easily the best song on the record and if I think about it, probably the best song to come out of 2007--or pretty damn close. I love it, just saying.
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Have a good one Steve
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    Happy Thanksgiving!

    Happy Thanksgiving Steve and all of you!
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    As I was working on college essays tonight...

    I listened to Sell my heart for stones, A future uncertain and some of the essence project. This is ace music Steve! It cleanses me of stress, anger, and complacency. It is the kind of music that gives me hope in bad times, it is the kind of music that makes hopelessness go away! Thank...
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    Happy Birthday Tyler!

    Yeah, happy birthday!
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    CS:source, i'm back in

    Hell yeah, I'm coming back tonight for 30days, until my trial license expires for crossover mac. Anyone care to join me? Be ware, I haven't played for four months so i will suck, but it should be fun. Kevin, David, Steve (both of you) and any others AIM me tonight. The rape is on!
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    what is your favorite...

    brand and model of condoms? and why? I need some advice pls in this matter, thanks! Oh and fuck QFC, i tried to buy condoms from their yesterday and they apparently don't carry them. So I had to buy some from the small street corner shop run by an old asian couple. So basically I bought...
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    Happy Birthday Max

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    What do you guys think of this band? They are my favorite alternative/pop bands ever. I love the lyrics. Go check them out on youtube and post your opinions. My favorite songs are the world is not enough, I'm only happy when it rains, Queer, You look so fine. Any thoughts, Steve?
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    I buy a Mac and I take pictures

    i wholeheartedly recommend everyone ditch PCs and get a Mac, because they are so amazing. Easy and intuitive and they work amazing this is a core duo 2.2ghz, 2gb ram, gf 8600 m with 128 mb video ram, 120gb. very sexy moffo. It comes with a remote control that allows me to listen to music in bed...
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    How are you voting in 08 and the presidential primaries

    Here is a poll out of curiosity. I will update the poll as each candidate drops out eventually, or make a new one.
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    Happy Holiday

    So Happy Holidays Steve and everyone. I can't remember exactly when, but it was about that time of year last year when you got the transplant Steve! Happy 1st birthday to your new kidney! Now, what did Santa bring you? I got the latest edition of the Economist, a cellphone, a DVD bootleg of...
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    What did Santa Bring you, post pictures, 2007 edition

    I realize it is not Christmas everywhere in the world yet, but here post pics of your presents. My family opened the presents tonight after dinner, so here come the photos. and save the best for the last
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    So what are everyone's thoughts on this amazing guitarist? I've been listening to him for inspiration sometimes, he is a very original player. My fav song is probably nothingham lace, because of the amazing buildup and the weird techno effects. Buckethead is nothing short of brilliant IMHO, and...
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    Serj Tankian-Elect the dead solo album

    I should get this. I love the single videos, especially empty walls (pay attention to this one, took me a few times to figure out what it is about)
  19. F

    Serj Tankian-Elect the dead solo album

    I should get this. I love the single videos, especially empty walls (pay attention to this one, took me a few times to figure out what it is about)
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    Hey Steve

    Is this why you left the band? :lol: (joking man) WTF? not family friendly, you all have been warned click it, it is incredible and very wierd:lol: YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED(Not safe for work). Someone posted this on the neverboard. hahha :lol: