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    hardest cob solo

    whats the hardest cob solo imt rying to paly mask of sanity and im almost having a heartattack
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    something wild

    im thinkign about getting something wild can somone give me a rundown on what it sounds like i heard one song and wasnt to impressed
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    pent on alexi

    i hear alexi uses pentatonics in a weird way can soemone explain this?
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    alexi soloing

    does alexi do fast scale runs or what?
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    how does alexi make his solos sound so catchy?
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    who here actually like the band?
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    simple minds

    anyone here like this band or heard of them?
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    why are their no hot chics that like cob? they always have to be ugly, or disgusting im getting sick and tired of every hot babe listening to mushy romance crap
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    ok in this thread we talk about follow the reaper, do you like the album? if youd ont explain why? what are the highlights of the album and the low points i personally cannot stand taste of my scythe off the album but its probably my favorite cob album next to hatecrew
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    tatse of my scythe

    in the begging of the song what movie is that little clip from? where the guy is talking about killing
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    fastest solo

    what is cob fastest solo?
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    hatecrew> ftr

    i first got into bodom because my friend let me borrow hatecrew deathroll and i was like wtf is this shit but then i started to love the solos and everything and elt me say one thing, i hate heavy music with screaming vocals lol. i went out and bought follow the reaper and i dont find it as good...
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    describe the kind of style you paly on guitar. mine would have to be like when i phrasing i do it slow like satriani with the vibrato but when is tart to go fast its like a malmsteen/alexi shitwhat about you?
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    i was thinking about doing a cover of kissing the shadows just me and my guitar would this song be able to sound just decent just with the lead. to give you alittle peice of what my lead tone sounds like here also can you crit it...