Search results

  1. Ermz

    Slayer - Piece by Piece cover

    Here's another cover from Mason's last EP. Recorded this one from the ground up (as well as the last Kreator cover) so let me know if you have any questions about the process!
  2. Ermz

    Kreator - Murder Fantasies cover

    Thought that some of you old timers might be into this one. This cover was included on an EP I engineered late last year - just released by the band today. YouTube crushes it a fair bit, but you still get an idea. Let me know if you have any questions about the production process!
  3. Ermz

    Athena's Wake - Witches

    Thought you guys might get a kick out of this one. It's not often I work on deathcore. Aussie band called 'Athena's Wake' - a bunch of stupidly proficient musicians, and solid songwriters to boot. The song was tracked by Anthony Iorio & Andrew Scott. Mixed and mastered by yours truly. I was...
  4. Ermz

    Mastering Onslaught @ Systematic Productions

    It's been quite a crazy year over here. Along with the usual slew of mixing work, we've transitioned over quite heavily into mastering, and had the pleasure to work on some kickass records to boot. The year started with Periphery's 'Juggernaut' records: Then moved onto an intense stem-master...
  5. Ermz

    Let's talk Bergstrand

  6. Ermz

    Elm Street - Heart Racer

    It's been a while since I shared something I've worked on with you guys. As I recall, there were some fans here of the first record we did together, so here's the single from Elm Street's new EP, 'Heart Racer'. The recording process for this one was quite classical. Booked out the best studio...
  7. Ermz

    Feared 'Synder' Album

    Noticed that nobody here is talking about this. I think Ola's written one of the best albums of his career. Two video singles are already out, and the album is due for release late next month.
  8. Ermz

    SSD for an audio drive?

    Hey guys, Been a while for me, and my audio workstation is finally starting to run out of steam. I'm doing a new build soon, and wondering whether SSDs are capable of being run as audio project disks? Is it a more elegant solution than my current RAID0 array of standard drives? Cheers!
  9. Ermz

    The Systematic Mixing Guide - Finally out in hard copy!

    Hey all. Since the guide originally began here, I wanted to make sure you folks saw this. Here is the official press blurb: The Systematic Mixing Guide is finally available in hard copy format. The book is beautifully presented in a perfect-bound, 8.5" x 11" soft cover. It contains the most...
  10. Ermz

    New Keyboard

    The time has come to retire my beloved Logitech Illuminated Keyboard. Unfortunately you can't get these in Australia anymore, so I'm stuck having to move to another model. I tried a Razer Deathstalker, but it feels like a pile of garbage, comparatively. Anybody have suggestions on which...
  11. Ermz

    Systematic Mixing Guide Update (Free for all prior purchasers)

    Taken from the official page: 'The day has finally come. After over a year of brainstorming, working, procrastinating, being frustrated and then working again, we've finally finished the updated version of The Systematic Mixing Guide. If you've previously purchased the book, and haven't...
  12. Ermz

    Free reamping for one week

    I'm in the process of testing some new techniques for getting metal guitar tones, and I'd like more quality projects to try before I commit to them for my own work. I'll be offering one week of free reamps here at Systematic Productions for projects under the following criteria: - High quality...
  13. Ermz

    Feared - Huldra Reamping Test (EVH 5150 III & Framus Cobra)

    Hey guys, Ever since we flooded our studio with amps, I've been on a search to go to the next level in terms of guitar tones. Last week I used the Feared - Vinter stems in order to test out some new methods, and came up with this. I left a bit of the low-end flub in there in order to get a...
  14. Ermz

    Pointers for surviving as a career Audio Engineer

    It's been a while since I've sat down and written anything particularly informative on this board. A recent thread got me thinking about a stage in a person's audio engineering career that people seldom give any real thought to. This applies mainly to those few of you who hope to do this as a...
  15. Ermz

    WTB: SSL-style 2-bus compressor

    Hey guys, I'm still looking for a 4k style bus compressor. If you have a GSSL, Prime or other clone for sale please get in touch via PM! Cheers.
  16. Ermz

    New Job for a Cowboy track

    ..... is actually bloody good.
  17. Ermz

    Out of all tracks I've worked on...

    This has to be one of my favourites. Noticed nobody had yet ripped it on YouTube, so figured I'd save them the trouble :lol:
  18. Ermz


    Title says it all. Please PM me if you're selling one!
  19. Ermz

    Memnoir - Rain

    Thought some of you might be interested in this. My latest work. Got to produce, reamp, mix and master on this one. Always a ball to work with Tyger, as he's all about the songwriting, dynamics and layers. As always, if you have any questions about the production, shoot away and I'll do my best...
  20. Ermz

    New tubes for my 6505

    Hey all, Was hoping to get some advice from the local amp gurus. I've had my 6505 since about 2009, and it's had JJs in all positions for all the time I've owned it. It sounds alright, and I can decent tones from it, but it sounds a bit stifled and muffly, especially in contrast to 5150 IIs...