Search results

  1. LittleTortillaBoy

    Oculus ex inferni alternate version and Sacrifice prelude

    I've got Paradise Lost deluxe edition containing two bonus tracks mentioned in thread title. Would it be ok if I upload them and share the link here? I think it would be interesting for you to hear. :cool:
  2. LittleTortillaBoy

    If you were Symphony X's advisor...

    What your advice would be? What would you suggest them?
  3. LittleTortillaBoy

    Prog Epics

    Someone mentioned prog epics on DT topic, so I decided to start a new one where will list and recommend to each other our favourites :) So, here's one that first came to my mind:
  4. LittleTortillaBoy

    Favourite song from "Iconoclast"

    Big number of us have already heard the album,so let's vote :) I voted for Iconoclast. It would be great if they played that song on tour...
  5. LittleTortillaBoy

    Favourite song from "Paradise Lost"

    I know it's difficult to say... But there must be one's the title track IMO!