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  1. Thorns of Sorrow

    Yeh so ill be at Northsix with my I <3 Greg Massi sign

    Hopefully I see some of you guys there (KATIE!) anyways yeh, Ill be in fanboy mode. To play the part of the ultimate motw/kayo dot fanboy...I shall of course be wearing an Opeth shirt. Optional signs may include, "GreG I want you man babies", "Toby please sweat on my face" etc etc...You guys...
  2. Thorns of Sorrow

    Most underrated drummer in all of metal...

    I'm sorry but something HAS to be said about Giuseppe Orlando from Novembre. He is a fucking machine, and is becoming my favorite drummer. Seriously, his drumming is maniacal, its so damn powerful and so damn smart. His fills are nuts, so are his kicks and cymbal work. I can't think I like...
  3. Thorns of Sorrow

    Are their any pictures of the band?

    Are their any pictures of the band? Greg said he looked all metal in the band pics, I've never seen any pics of you guys as a band. I remember seeing live pics a while back, but the site that hosted them seems to not exist anymore. I'm interested in seeing all the lineups from Bath to my...
  4. Thorns of Sorrow

    Does Opeth get radioplay where you are from?

    Does Opeth get radioplay where you are from? Here in NYC they get some seriously heavy rotation on the local metal station 89.5. "Deliverance" is played about 4 or 5 times a day/nite. I'm curious to see if they get an equal amount of play anywhere else?
  5. Thorns of Sorrow

    Irving Plaza NYC 1/19 show, ROLLCALL!!!!!!

    I'll be there, and if any of you fart knockers want to meet me, DONT BE A STRANGER! I'll be hanging out with Brooks, and alot of other people most of the nite. I'll be wearing a Dissection "Storm of the Lights Bane" shirt, leather jacket, black pants, and i have an Opeth tattoo on my arm. So...
  6. Thorns of Sorrow

    Would you be for or against...

    Would you be for or against, Opeth re recording Black Rose Immortal and releasing it as digipack one song EP, or maybe throw in some other extras into the EP. I think if Opeth re recorded BRI, itll sound fucking awesome, with the new equipment, Mikes new growling style, Lopez's drumming and...
  7. Thorns of Sorrow

    Anyone have an extra ticket to the NYC show!?!

    Hey guys, as you may or may not know the BG/SyX show at the world in NYC has been sold out for like the past 3 days. I was unable to buy my ticket beforehand, so I was wondering if ANYONE here reading this has got an extra ticket they can sell me. If you do, Private Message me, reply here, or...
  8. Thorns of Sorrow

    THE ULTIMATE GUITAR. I would kill, maim, massacre for it...

    Behold, the most godly piece of wood and strings EVER made. One day when I have loads of money and endorsements, I am going to have Gibson make one of these. There were only 3 ever made, and...ugh words cannot explain the sheer beauty. The leaves are actually carved into the body, so its like...
  9. Thorns of Sorrow

    Anyone seeing Hate Eternal/Cannibal tonite in Brooklyn?

    Ill be there shmucko's...umm Ill be wearing a Satyricon "Nemesis Divina" Shirt. I will be with mad people, and I will be mingling with alot of people, so dont be afraid to say "hi". My old band "Immortal Flesh" is playing as well, Im sure youve heard of em (those who live in NYC) anyways...I...
  10. Thorns of Sorrow

    Fuck I love Soilwork

    Just finished listening to Chainheart Machine, and now blasting NBC. Fuck, the solos in Machinegun Majesty HAVE to be the greatest guitar solos EVER recorded in metal. I mean jeeezus IA played that shit with a vibrator :lol: I will go out on a limb and say that those solos even surpass that of...
  11. Thorns of Sorrow

    Someone get me into ULVER NOW!!!!

    I just dled "ulvsblakk" and I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whats their best album?! I must buy!!
  12. Thorns of Sorrow

    Porcupine Tree show in NYC..AMAZING!!

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just got back from the show...Trully and utterly mind blowing.. First off was this dude named Greg Howard..H eplaye dthe Chpaman Stick, he was a one man band, and he was incredible! I have never heard someone shred so crazy on the stick like that before itw as crazy, his...
  13. Thorns of Sorrow

    Porcupine Tree 7/24 @Bowery Ballroom NYC ROLL CALL!

    Hey guys Im just wondering who here is going to see Steven Wilson and Porcupine Tree this Wednesday here in NYC at the Bowery Ballroom, I know there are like maybe 3 guys here from NYC, I remember Demonspell saying he was gonna go, Im buying my tixx tomm, and I wanna know who here is going so...
  14. Thorns of Sorrow

    Concept albums (top 5)

    Ok everyone being that Opeth is known for their awesome concept albums, list your top 5 favorite concept albums... 1. Opeth - MAYH 2. Opeth - Still Life 3. Rush -2112 4. Rush - Hemispheres 5. Dream theater - SFAM
  15. Thorns of Sorrow

    Fave Symphony X abums...

    Yes I know its a lame thread, but we gotta start somewhere! ;) And we gotta break in the new BB with some old school threads..:grin: 1.) TDWoT 2.) Damnation Game 3.) Twilight in olympus 4.) Live on the Edge of Forevor 5.) V 6.) Symphony X I dunno, I think I am one of the few people...
  16. Thorns of Sorrow

    :lol: is it me or (opeth related)

    :lol: is it me or is Mikael rapping in serenity painted death, Im listening to this song for the 1st time in a while hehe, (I ususally skip it) and it sound slike he is rapping lol with a grooved out riff and drum line behind him heheh... EDIT: I posted this in the Off topic BB by mistake...
  17. Thorns of Sorrow

    I need help!

    Does anyone have a large high resolution picture of any of the Opeth album covers, I wanna use it for my cpu background...I am looking for any of the album covers, preferablly Still Life, or Morningrise...thanks I know you Photo shop guys have it, I would greatly appreciate...and if Saturnix is...
  18. Thorns of Sorrow

    The answer to our Audiogalaxy problem...

    SOLVED...well almost hehe, over 9000 gigs worth of music here. Spread the word, and Blubster is unsueable due to lack of a central server! Good speed and everything, this is fantastic, so climb aboard, I predict within a month they'll have twice as many users...
  19. Thorns of Sorrow

    The solution to our Audiogalaxy problem is...

    SOLVED...well almost hehe, over 9000 gigs worth of music here. Spread the word, and Blubster is unsueable due to lack of a central server! Good speed and everything, this is fantastic, so climb aboard, I predict within a month they'll have twice as many users...
  20. Thorns of Sorrow

    Do you ever get the feeling...

    Do you ever get the feeling when you listen to Katatonia, that like, time stands still. I dunno, whenever I listen to them, I feel like time is satnding still, and I am in this suspended state of development...weird..anyone have similar feelings while listening to katatonia?