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  1. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Prometheus (I Am Alive) tab

    I recently finished a bass tab for this song and thought I'd share it with you guys. I decided to tab this song because I think it is kick ass, and I couldn't find any existing tabs for it online. I have a lot more bass tabs lying around, so I...
  2. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Symphony X tab books

    Is anyone hoping for a tab book for Iconoclast, or maybe a "greatest hits" tab selection? With the new album being so much more guitar-oriented than previous releases I think it would be a great idea, and could only further the band's popularity. Jax, is this something you could ask MJR...
  3. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Symphony X backing tracks (no guitar)

    In the following interview at about 3:38, MJR states that to warm up before shows, he has mixes of Symphony X songs that have no guitar (for use as backing tracks). I know this is unlikely, but is there any way he would release some of these for the fans? I think it would be really cool to hear...
  4. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    The Bass Tabs Thread

    I haven't seen any bass tab threads on the forum, so I thought I'd make one. If you have any bass tabs, post them here. I made a couple the other day: Death Whispered a Lullaby: I couldn't find any bass tabs on the net for DWAL, so I made...
  5. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Symphony X and odd-meter grooves, key changes, and polyrhythms

    I consider Symphony X to be at the top of the metal genre in songwriting, as they use techniques that few other bands utilize (successfully). Among these are odd-meter grooves, subtle key changes, and polyrhythms. I feel like I’ve said some of this before, but I was thinking about it earlier...
  6. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    I made a Sacrifice tab...

    I couldn't find any tabs for this song on the net, so I made a quick bass tab. I won't even begin to figure out the guitar, but if someone else wants to, feel free to use this as a blueprint. Enjoy!
  7. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Help with Revelation tab

    Can anyone help me figure out what's being played below? I only have a few notes/chords I can't figure out, and they're marked with question marks... @ 2:20 (after first chorus) PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM S S S S E S S S S S S...
  8. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Why do Symphony X's key changes and time changes not sound forced?

    With every other band I know, a lot of key changes and time changes sound forced, like they're being complex just for complexity's sake. But with Symphony X, every transition is just so smooth. I can't figure out why this is, but I can guess, and others can tell me if I'm right or not. I...
  9. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Songs from Symphony X's debut album... with Russell singing?

    I know the band originally planned on rerecording the debut album with Russ on vocals, but later decided against it in favor of compiling new material (which I completely understand). However, would it not be cool to hear some of the songs as bonus tracks (like Masquerade '98) on upcoming...
  10. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Favorite thread that has something to do with Symphony X?

    Seriously, people, can we talk about Symphony X just a little more on the official Symphony X forum? Every other band's forum is filled with polls and questions and song analyses and whatnot... why can't Symphony X have that right? How about a favorite solo thread, or a favorite bass riff...
  11. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Symphony X tab book

    No, I'm not talking about that crappy Japanese book with all the errors. I was wondering if anyone here would like to see a tab book of Paradise Lost (or any Symphony X album) officially released. A full score book would be awesome, but I realize that a guitar tab book is the most probable...
  12. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Favorite current song on Mercy Falls?

    Let's hear it. Only "real" songs have been included, because, let's face it - if you think "Back in Time" can stand up to the full songs, you have issues.
  13. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    The Sacrifice

    Does anyone know where I can find any tabs for this song? It's the only song from PL I've yet to find bass or guitar tabs for. Thanks!
  14. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Any more Symphony X videos?

    Does anyone (hint: Jax) know if Symphony X plans to make another video from PL? Serpent's Kiss and STWOF were great. I think the title track or Eve of Seduction would make cool videos.
  15. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Serpent's Kiss

    Does anyone have any idea what the bass is playing at 4:07 in the song? It's that little 12-note fill that runs up the neck while the guitar plays harmonics. I've found plenty of tabs on the net, but none of them seem right to me. Thanks!
  16. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Porcupine Tree - Anesthetize

    I just started listening to Porcupine Tree and I have to say this is one of the best songs I've ever heard. It has such an interesting tonality and vibe. Also, +1 to Steven Wilson for mentioning zombies in it. However, it seems to me that a lot of PT's stuff is hit or miss. This was the only...
  17. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Hope Leaves

    Is this anyone's favorite song from Damnation? I think it's mine, but it seems to get overshadowed by Windowpane, IMTON, and Closure. It's such a pretty little song, and I'm wondering why they rarely play it live. Mikael himself said it was "one of, if not his, favorite" from Damnation on the...
  18. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Black Rose Immortal: Live?

    The poll says it all. Vote!
  19. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Why does Orchid never get any love?

    Forest of October and The Apostle in Triumph are excellent songs, and Under the Weeping Moon isn't far behind. While I love most of Opeth's albums, I really like the melodies and harmonies of the early stuff (compared to the unmelodic MAYH, for example). I was really glad to hear that Weeping...
  20. Detective Clarence Beauregard

    Why does Orchid never get any love?

    Forest of October and The Apostle in Triumph are excellent songs, and Under the Weeping Moon isn't far behind. While I love most of Opeth's albums, I really like the melodies and harmonies of the early stuff (compared to the unmelodic MAYH, for example). I was really glad to hear that Weeping...