Search results

  1. Chai

    New Raintime Song

    Didn't see a post for this yet. I got an email from Raintime stating: I'm liking the little tidbit they've put up on myspace after a few listens (though it has that annoying "Pre-production" announcement in the middle of the song). Thoughts?
  2. Chai

    Nightwish Opener?

    Hey, I've been looking around to see who the opening acts will be when Nightwish comes to Masquerade next month. I had tickets to see them awhile back when they toured with Paradise Lost, but plans changed last minute, and I'd love to see them paired with an interesting opener. In any case, it...
  3. Chai

    Any Chance of getting Tickets to Nightwish in GA?

    Myself and William (Palabra de Dios on the forums) both luckily got off from work Saturday night, and were all geared up to go to the show, just to find out it's sold out! Does anyone here happen to have an extra ticket or two or know of someone, perhaps in a local opening band, that is still...