Search results

  1. Don LaFon

    Six Minute Century at Prog/Power Showcase

    Showcase announcement. 1st 3 bands!!!! LEPROUS Ranging from heavy metal to jazz, from progressive rock to black metal, Norway's LEPROUS is not afraid of transcending the boundaries of what music "should" sound like. Last years incredible "Tall Poppy Syndrome" gave fans of...
  2. Don LaFon

    Six Minute Century at Prog/Power Showcase

    Showcase announcement. 1st 3 bands!!!! LEPROUS Ranging from heavy metal to jazz, from progressive rock to black metal, Norway's LEPROUS is not afraid of transcending the boundaries of what music "should" sound like. Last years incredible "Tall Poppy Syndrome" gave fans of...
  3. Don LaFon

    Six Minute Century at NMF II

    Six Minute Century would like to thank Lance and everyone involved in bringing SMC back for a return engagement to Nightmare Metal Fest. Also this will be our second trip to San Antonio. We are looking forward to our set, which is Friday March 20 at 9:30 p.m. We will of course be including songs...
  4. Don LaFon

    SMC’s "Time Capsules" for CD of the year in France

    We would like to let you know that Six Minute Century's debut CD "Time Capsules" is up for CD of the year on Imm3moria website in France. A few months ago "Time Capsules" received a 91.5% rating review and was named CD of the month. Please follow the link below and click on the star horizontal...
  5. Don LaFon

    SMC’s "Time Capsules" for CD of the year in France

    We would like to let you know that Six Minute Century's debut CD "Time Capsules" is up for CD of the year on Imm3moria website in France. A few months ago "Time Capsules" received a 91.5% rating review and was named CD of the month. Please follow the link below and click on the star horizontal...
  6. Don LaFon

    Latest Six Minute Century Review

    Hey All, Reviews keep coming in on "Time Capsules". Here is the newest for Hardrock Haven: Comments: You've gotta have a pair of brass cajones-make that four pair-to want to cover a TNT classic like "Seven Seas," on your debut, nonetheless. Tony Harnell is one of the best voices of all time...
  7. Don LaFon

    Thanks From Six Minute Century

    Hope everyone has by now made it home safe. We would like to thank everyone that attended Nightmare Metal Fest. We would especially like to thank Lance King and Nightmare Records, J. Rock and Patti, Robert from KWTF and all the DJ's that attended for the worldwide broadcast, and all the bands...
  8. Don LaFon

    Six Minute Century at Nightmare Fest.

    We are proud to announce that following the release of "Time Capsules", March 18, 2008, Six Minute Century will be performing at Nightmare Fest in Tampa, Florida on March 22, 2008. The two day festival hosted by Lance King will be Friday the 21st. and Saturday the 22nd. Hope to see some of our...
  9. Don LaFon

    Thanks from SMC.

    Six Minute Century would also like to thank John and Tammy for all the work they put into getting this festival together. Hopefully the signed drum heads will be a momento for you to keep for your hard work on this. From the first time SMC was contacted, this festival was handled in a very pro...