Search results

  1. M

    Cut the bullshit...

    Every one of you. You're like a pack of rabid children waiting to talk down to every newest member of the forum. It's quite pathetic really. Some of you are fine, as you appear to be decent people. But the majority I have witnessed are a bunch of bitching duche bags. So... do everyone a...
  2. M


    I was wondering, for those of you who listen to black metal, which bands are your favorites? Mine would be... Immortal, Drudkh, Burzum, Wolfhunter, Shadow Magus, Graveland, Nokturnal Mortum, Crimson Moon, Bathory (of course), Krohm, Nightside Glance, Serpent Lord... there's too many to name...
  3. M

    The Kovenant

    Any thoughts? I really liked Animatronic and Nexus Polaris, and the previous albums like In The Times Before the Light etc. S.E.T.I, I did not like at first, but after numerous listens I have grown a liking to it. Just wondering what you all think of The Kovenant.
  4. M

    Now Playing...

    I figured I'd make a thread to post what you're listening to. So, if you have music on, tell us what band and what song. Keep the thread going. Now Playing... Liquid Tension Experiment- Another Dimension
  5. M


    Life is so much better when you're loaded. :Smokin:
  6. M


    I'm new to the forum so... hello everyone. Glad to talk to some people with similar musical interests. :rock: