Search results

  1. V

    Metal Discussion Podcasts

    I am looking for podcasts that offer discussion on the genre. I would prefer it if the podcasts are at least an hour in length (the lengthier the better) and tackle extreme metal bands and related topics. It's ok if music is played too but I would prefer the emphasis be placed on intelligent...
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    Black March?

    Anyone planning on boycotting the entertainment industry this March? ACTA has been passed in many countries and it seems that SOPA and PIPA have been halted, at least for now. And combating music piracy is one thing but I'm surprised that hardly anyone seems to care about the larger picture...
  3. V

    Need some recommendations...

    Lately, I've grown tired of listening to the same old stuff. Basically, I'm wanting something with a real in-your-face "metal" attitude, relentlessly heavy and aggressive with strong vocals, and preferably something groove-oriented, not melodic. Something that isn't exclusive to one genre of...
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    Theatrical, carnivalesque blackened metal

    I am looking for something a bit specific, not just symphonic/melodic black metal (it doesn't necessarily have to be black metal though). Something where the keyboard/synths are played in a theatrical, carnivalesque and romantic fashion like that of the followng albums: Bishop of Hexen -...
  5. V

    London After Midnight

    Any fans of the band? An all-time favourite band of mine especially of the first two albums. far I'm a bit disappointed with what I've heard off the new album. Sean says its his best album he's written but all bands say that when a new album is released. The album doesn't come out...
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    Theatrical/Gothic/Symphonic Blackened Metal

    So basically as the thread title mentions. I'm not specifically looking for black metal but something more or less influenced by black metal. Ideally, something: - 'Theatrical' - Gothic influenced or 'dark' - lots of keyboards, and/or symphonic - Must have good, clear production...not raw...
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    DVD questions...

    So I was planning on purchasing a fairly rare DVD online. The movie is french and I specifically need this version that has English subtitles. There are a couple different sellers in the UK that have it, but there is a note that says one, is a 'Region 2' DVD and the other, a 'Region 0' DVD so...
  8. V

    Do you prefer working with males or females?

    As the thread title says, do you prefer working with males or females? and why? State if you're male or female and which gender you like working with more, if you have a preference. For example, lately, I've gotten the impression that females hate working with other females, I'm just curious...I...
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    Marilyn Manson - Eat Me, Drink Me

    Downloaded it today... As a long time Marilyn Manson fan (of over 10yrs). They were one of the biggest influences of my life at the time, this was of course way before I got into extreme metal. And after a couple disappointing albums (in particular TGAOG) I began to lose interest in the 'band.'...
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    Good vampire movies?

    I love vampires but honestly, I can't ever say I've trully been impressed by any. I have seen many of the well-known ones but maybe there are some lesser known movies I'm not aware of? Interview With the Vampire (minus the actors), Embrace of the Vampire, The Addiction, Nadja for example are...