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  1. R

    "Independence" Day

    enjoy your day
  2. R

    Get the Funk Out

    I'll probably post alot of border line funk edged rock but I've always been into such songs. Whatever if its funky post it. Here's a borderline unlikely pick, first three minutes is blues but they transition though blues to rockin it then around 3:00 get funky then dirty and back again. I...
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    Wounded Land

    Just got it. Great old school metal sound, they have definantly evolved. Damian sounds great, reminds me a bit of Dream Theaters first vocalist... Dominici ??? then at times almost like Great Whites vocalist. Lots of old school reminising here, I can even hear a bit of more commercial "metal"...
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    Mac's an awesome vocalist

    OK, so I'm a newb to Threshold, having only bought Dead Reckoning and Subsurface recently. They are still receiveing steady play around here. As much as I liked them at first they are still growing on me. Anyhow the more I listen, the more I appreaciate the song structures and the meanings of...
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    taking of ones own life

    Well I'll try my own post for a change. Spurred by... Today, the brother of one of my past girlfriends took his life. He was around 50 and had a life of success but alot of drug and alcohol abuse. With the loss of the girl of his favor quite a few years back he went slowly downhill and lost his...
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    Well, probably not the right place if there is one. CD player in my car does not play through one channel. It tries but rarely. I figure there is something wrong with the head. It does play in stereo with cassettes or radio. So it has to be the CD player itself. Has anyone ever taken one of...
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    Wow, I just found this video... if those of you guitar heads dont get my thing with Gamalon and George Puleo after this video Im totally at a loss. This guy has his own idenity of melody in the mists of his madness. This is '88
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    any creativity left ?

    Is it really possible to be truely creative today ? Could someone actually write a new kind of metal song ? or is everything just derived and fused from various sources ?
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    Hendrix contributions

    Well, many have agreed on the impact of Jimi. So it got me thinking, what were his contributions and the order that they might be put in from most important on down the list. Will also be interesting to hear how people put it all into words
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    timing issues

    First let me say from a learned musical prospective Im way over my head, I just come up with stuff and let it flow, sometimes its "weird". THis is prob a question for Meddley or anyone else with some depth of educated musical understanding, please bare with me. Joe, my drummer and myself are...
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    computer recording Im like... "what the fuck is going on in this town ?" Finally all set up to start recording scratch (idea) tracks so my drummer can fimiliarize with the change ups of some of these new riffs. Tempo remains but the feel changes, and sometimes the time sig... I guess... its fucked up...
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    Jon Oliva

    I post this here rather than the other side because its so interesting that this interview is right in line with our Quintessential metal thread and some other recent talk. As for the video at the bottom, sounds great, he even lays out his trademark screach a few times... not the same but at...
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    pick ups

    OK, Im ready to change the P90 bridge in one of my guitars to a humbucker. Ive never played Hot pickups. Just whatever came in my guitars. I did put a mid 70's Gibson in the bridge position of my Vantage years ago, it was only slightly different and I forget what that difference was. What Im...
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    I know we've already had a Fusion thread but I looked for it and its long gone. Everyone pretty much already spoke what they liked and such but....... Anyhow... I've been down working in my shop again lately and thats the place I get to put CD's in and crank em. I've spent some time listening...
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    more guitar brand/model questions

    anyone fimiliar with these older medium grade axes ? early 90's Ibanez RG550 24 fret D-S-D pup configuration early 90's Jackson PS4 22 fret D-S-D pup configuration ? 90's Yamaha RGX612S 24 fret S-S-D pups
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    luthier art

    In my research of archtop guitars I stumbled on this site. This is amazing craftmanship from German luthiers. This link shows Hofner guitars, at the top and bottom of pages you will find an index leading to other builders. Some of these are just phenominal. If anyone knows of other links I'd be...
  17. R


    OK so whats everyone use one their electrics? Im sure many of you have tried all kinds for tone and feel. Whats your preference? List acoustics too if you like. Bass players, tell me about bass strings, I have a bass I need new strings for and know nothing about bass.
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    what I once played through

    these were actually great stuff at the time, the Magnatone compares favorably to a Fender twin (abit less power) and the Guild Foxey Lady (electro harmonix) was a killer "fuzz" box which would raise the volumn of the Magnatone to levels above a drum set. The speakers in the amp would get so hot...
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    I think Im in love.... would like it better if it was darker amber like the guitar pictured on Hagstroms site (and free) noticed the shape of the cutaway horn is different too
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    What does everyone tune their guitar too ? standard - 1/2 step - more obviously drop D if thats what you need to play a certain song but Im really wondering what people use for their conventional tuning. I've always played in standard tuning but I know at least "back in the day" many gig...