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    Christmas was prosperous this year. Finally got the last albums I needed. :rock:
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    Favorite vocalist

    Haven't seen a thread of this yet, so: who's your favorite vocalist? (or vocalists) For me: Max Cavalera Tom Araya Chuck Billy
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    Enter the Grave blog

    I wrote a short blog about the album (which was fucking great by the way). Repost in the name of Evile! :kickass: Blog
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    Best thrashmetalband "outside of the big 4"

    "Outside of the big 4" Sepultura eXodus Testament Annihilator Overkill Dark Angel Pantera Death Angel ... (slap me in the face if I forgot a band.) (How do I make a poll on this forum? Ol, can you make a poll?) For me: Sepultura, old Sepultura that is, followed closely by eXodus...
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    Video thread (Youtube etc.)

    Post your favorite videos: :kickass:
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    Best guitarplayer?

    Who do you think is the best guitarplayer? Make a top 3 or something. For me: (though in no specific order) Kerry King: even though some of his solo's are quite "chaotic", his technique is awesome. My favorite solo is the one he plays in War Ensemble. (After Tom screams...
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    What bands shouldn't people listen to?

    Post the bands you think people shouldn't listen to (or in other words: which bands suck major ass?) Soulfly (most of it though) Stone Sour Korn ... Mostly nu-metal.