Search results

  1. Manicompression

    Using Cubase pool to rebuild old tracks

    I was hoping someone could help me out, or tell me if this is possible. I recorded a bunch of guitar parts a long time ago for some random project I was working on. I chopped up and slip edited the guitars all over the place and printed the commited tracks. Now its years later and I just...
  2. Manicompression

    Does a standalone impedance changing product exist???

    So over the last year or so I picked up a modded up Presonus Eureka and a Zen modded GAP pre-73. Both of these units have impedance changing abilities, the Presonus has a variable knob and the GAP has a button that changes to another drastically different predetermined value. Honestly they...
  3. Manicompression

    Shure Sm7b & KSM137pair

    Shure Sm7b, pretty decent shape sans a light scratch or two, with box and foam screen thingys - 275 plus shipping-Sold Shure Ksm137 matched pair with case and accessories, pristine condition, 425 plus shipping I would prefer Usa buyers only but might make an exception if your willing to pick...
  4. Manicompression

    H-S-S Strat Pickup Recommendations

    Just what the title said. I need some recommendations for some cool pickups to put into this strat Im piecing together. The body is made of alder, nitro finished Fender Highway One from like 06, all maple compound neck. Ive only owned Mahogany guitars in the past so Im finding myself unsure...
  5. Manicompression

    Art Pro RDB reamp box, anyone have this?

    So im looking for a reamp box. I saw this on ebay and after a search I cant find much in the way of user reviews. here is a link It looks pretty rad for the price. Certainly looks more flexable than the line2amp box...
  6. Manicompression

    how to cut up real drum hits to make samples properly

    So Ive been working on these tracks that some buddies and I recorded. I made sure that on the first day we got direct hits with a good 20 seconds of space between the hits of all the elements of the kit. I would like to make a trigger instrument out of the hits. Im in Cubase 5 fwiw. This is hard...
  7. Manicompression

    Nymphetamine - Cradle of Filth guitar sound

    I dont really care much for COF, but i was sitting around crushing beers with my buddy when he put on the record nymphetamine. I think the guitar sound / mix on this record is incredible. I see that Colin mixed it, however after much googling that is about all i can seem to find out about it. It...
  8. Manicompression

    Feeler: Drum Editing / beat detective-ing NEEDED

    So I am going to start tracking the drums for my bands next record in about two weeks. I have my tempo maps and scratch tracks set up. I work in Cubase 5 currently. We are going to have about 45-55 mins of audio it looks like. My drummer doesnt suck but I would like to make sure that the tracks...
  9. Manicompression

    How to use guitar pedals when mixing

    So ive done a little bit of googling and cant seem to find much on the subject outside of people debating whether or not buffered pedals solve any issues that come with it. I just purchased a carbon copy and was thinking about implementing it in my mixing. I have a Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56...
  10. Manicompression

    job offer/ Dat conversion

    So I just got some ADAT's from a recording session that my highschool band did back in like 99. They are probably horrible but i would love to hear whats on these for hilaritys sake. I was wondering if anyone had a adat recorder that they could transfer these to wavs for me to dick with at home...
  11. Manicompression

    mesa dual, marshall, metal song please tear this apart

    Hey dudes, im working on doing a semi quick demo for my band. We just want to post some tunes to find an adequate singer locally, but ive spent a decent amount of time on this and would like to have you peeps rip it to shreds so maybe i can improve a bit. one of my proper bx8a monitors took a...
  12. Manicompression

    Yamaha hs50 or M Audio bx8a???

    Im about to pull the trigger on some monitors, I prefer Yamaha as a company but would like 8" cones and keep reading that the bx8a is pretty good. which pair would you go for ?? Either would be an upgrade for me.
  13. Manicompression

    My Laptop got stolen, so Im in the market...

    Hey dudes, Some jerkoff walked into my house and stole my laptop, its a long story but suffice it to say Im in the market for a new computer, and I would like to use it primarily for music stuff. I do still have my external hd, so storage isnt an issue. I really have no idea about what specs I...
  14. Manicompression

    Pickups for Ibanez S

    So Ive had this Ibanez S2020x sitting around for the last couple of years collecting dust. I bought it on a whim, back in like 2001, thinking of how light the guitar was, how awesome the piezo system sounded and the floyd double locking trem was cool too. Not realizing that it would be a poopy...
  15. Manicompression

    Apple G4 for running music stuff only?????

    Hey dudes, I was just rocking out, lurking around Ebay. Im seeing alot of Apple G4s going for next to nothing. Ive wanted a computer soley for recording purposes. I do not have enough money to purchase any current Apple offerings. Right now Im using a Gateway laptop running xp, with 1.5 gigs...
  16. Manicompression

    Boss sd-1, have I lost my mind?? The story of my day....

    Hey dudes, Back when I started coming here I was pretty happy with my tone and just wanted to figure out how to record my guitar better, of course with the passage of time and gaining of knowledge I realized my tone was kind of flubby. Sad to say but years ago I used to be the guy who put a...
  17. Manicompression

    bass compression in a live rig

    Hey dudes, My buddy wants to get a rackmount compressor to help even out his sound. His rig at this point consists of a schecter stiletto studio 5 string, into an Ampeg Svt pro 3, into a top of the line gallien krueger 4x10. He plays with his fingers. So the problem is that its very muddy...
  18. Manicompression

    Fender Supersonic Cab

    Hey dudes, Im able to get the Fender supersonic guitar cab for 300 dollars, it has 4 V30s in it, but its kinda small-ish. Any opinions on these things ???? Right now im using an early 90s Randall guitar cab with celestion 75s, but the beast has seen better days. Im using a Dual Rec, and a Yamaha...
  19. Manicompression

    ada MICROCAB

    what do you guys think of these, Its a discontinued item made by ADA meant to simulate different cabs, they pop up pretty regularly on ebay and Ive kind of wondered how these stack up against impulses or the cab sims on the pod.
  20. Manicompression

    Re-tubing opinions

    Hey guys, Just kinda want some opinions about stuff. So heres the scoop, I have a Mesa Dual Rec 3 channel that ive owned for a bit over 2 years. I really enjoy the tone I get from the thing, so its not so much that Im unhappy as much as its been a couple years and I want to try something new for...