Search results

  1. waif

    Riff-oriented death metal

    In a lot of death metal, especially the more brutal stuff, the details of the guitar work are lost behind muddy tones and walls of blastbeats. I want something where I can clearly make out the guitar riffs. And also where the guitar riffs are good, because there's a lot of death metal out there...
  2. waif

    Bruce Dickinson in treatment for cancer, prognosis good

    Fuck cancer. We already lost Dio. Looks like Bruce is gonna beat this thing though.
  3. waif

    Musician's thread

    I know a bunch of you dudes play instruments and shit and the musician's forum is pretty dead so let's do this shit. Post about gear or your band or whatever. Ozzman got a new drumkit recently. How's that going? I really want to take up drums but I don't have anywhere I could keep a kit...
  4. waif


    because you know you fagggots missed me here I am Drunk and stoned and antidepressed you know you want me inside you
  5. waif

    Like In The Nightside Eclipse.

    I want black metal that sounds like ITNE. I'm talking about the atmosphere and production as much as the composition. Go.
  6. waif

    12-string advice

    I know very little about 12-strings, but I had an idea the other day. I play in a power trio doing doom stuff and it can be a bit of a challenge to make things sound full when playing higher up. I remembered that Matt Pike from High on Fire plays a custom 9-string, with the higher strings being...
  7. waif

    Sleep music

    Looking for something to put on and fall asleep to. Genre isn't really important, but stylistically I basically want something instrumental or mostly instrumental, lots of repetition, good flow, and probably not too fast. I've had some success with Burzum - Belus, Agalloch - Ashes Against The...
  8. waif

    Greek Black Metal

    Any suggestions for stuff like early Rotting Christ? Talking about Thy Mighty Contract/Non Serviam. I'm assuming I should look into their contemporaries...I plan to hunt down Varathron - His Majesty At The Swamp and maybe Walpurgisnacht, Necromantia - Crossing The Firey Path and Scarlet Evil...
  9. waif

    Kreator - Enemy of God

    I want to get into writing reviews again, as I'm hardly doing any real writing these days. Submitted this to MA. I'm trying to find a style that's actually interesting as writing but also possibly useful to someone trying to make a purchasing decision. So comments on the writing are welcome, as...
  10. waif

    Karmablade Ignorathon

    Not that this worked in the past, but let's try it again. This guy is obviously trolling, but until Deron sees fit to ban him it'd be nice if we could stop letting him derail threads. No sig or anything, just stop responding to his crap. If you have new iterations of the Karmablade meme (FOOD...
  11. waif

    Happy Birthday Grant

  12. waif

    Pagan Altar

    So I've listened to a few tracks here and there and been really impressed, but the high prices their stuff goes for these days has prevented me from investigating further. However, I'll be seeing them in a couple months so I've decided the time has come to bite the bullet and shell out. All...
  13. waif

    Happy birthday panzerfaust!

    Because you deserve better than a RandyMOSS thread. FB says you're 18, so you're probably off drinking unless the age is actually 19 in your province, can't remember. Whatever, happy birthday dude!
  14. waif

    New Maiden Single

    Pretty shit tbh. Production is okay but not great. Guitars sound a bit muddy. Bruce sounds great when he finally starts singing during the bridge. The melody under the chorus is quite cool but the whole thing is thoroughly bungled. Solos are of course classic Maiden and Nicko is always an...
  15. waif

    Computer Advice

    I know there's already a thread, but it's old and I can't fucking find it. I hope you guys can handle that. My problem is this: I have all my music in mp3 format on my desktop. I also have a laptop. Both are running Windows 7 and are in a homegroup together, meaning I can wirelessly transfer...
  16. waif

    Forty Fucking Years

    It is technically now February 13th, 2010. That makes it 40 years to the day since Black Sabbath released there debut. If you're like me, that means this is the 40th anniversary of heavy metal. Does that blow anyone's mind? Anyhow, you are all hereby required to spin Black Sabbath at some point...
  17. waif

    New Years Resolutions

    What it sounds like; resolutions, goals, etc that you probably won't succeed at but whatever. Post them here! Mine: I resolve to be more tolerant of people's inane bullshit. Largely because I'll probably end up killing someone if I don't. My other goals involve learning to play the...
  18. waif

    The Decade In Review

    Okay, so basically let's summarize what happened in metal in the last 10 years. Major events, trends, deaths, landmark albums, etc. I'll get the ball rolling... The fall of nu metal. Thank god that one is gone... The rise of deathcore. How long will it last? The proliferation of...
  19. waif

    It's Christmas!

    Technically speaking, if you're going by EST. Whatever. What'd you get? Oh, and merry fucking Christmas, everyone.
  20. waif

    Koude's free shit

    Okay, so I know myself, d_t, Ozzman, and evil? wanted in on this. The plan was that everyone would stake out a claim and then all the CDs would get mailed to each person sequentially and they'd take their share and pass it on. Anyhow, speak up if you want in. It's Koude's stuff so his call but...