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    Tuning bass with Melodyne. Can't get the bass to sound in tune with guitars

    Who here is adept at tuning bass using melodyne? I'm finding that I just can't get the bass to sound in tune with the guitars on a few notes. It's driving me bonkers. I flatten the note out, it doesn't sound right. Move it up and down, still doesn't sound right. Try to make the attack sharper...
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    $10 Re-amps all week. Dual Rec, 5150, TSL60,SVT Classic

    ‎$10 re-amps all week. $10 gets you guitars and bass re-amps for one song. Why settle for an emulation when you can get the real deal? Mesa Dual Rec, Peavey 5150II, Marshall TSL60, Peavey Windsor, Ampeg SVT Classic, Mesa Recto OS 4 x 12, Marshall JCM900 4 x 12 w v30's, Ampeg 8 x 10 cab...
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    $10 Re-amps all week. Dual Rec, 5150, TSL60,SVT Classic

    ‎$10 re-amps all week. $10 gets you guitars and bass re-amps for one song. Why settle for an emulation when you can get the real deal? Mesa Dual Rec, Peavey 5150II, Marshall TSL60, Peavey Windsor, Ampeg SVT Classic, Mesa Recto OS 4 x 12, Marshall JCM900 4 x 12 w v30's, Ampeg 8 x 10 cab...
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    My Turd Polishing Technique (AKA how to get shitty musicians to play with a click)

    Hey guys! It's been awhile since I've contributed here, so i thought I would share a little trick I figured out for getting shitty bands to sound good. I have only ever had one drummer come into the studio who could track his parts with JUST a click track. I was pumped at the time, but we ran...
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    Mic'ing an ampeg bass rig next week. Formulating a plan of action.

    :wave: Hey guys! I'm going to have an ampeg svt and 8 10 cab in the studio next week, and I'm trying to formulate a plan of action. For mics I have: Apex 460 LD condenser SM57's Senn e609 atm 250 audix i5 sm7b studio projects c4's For pedals I have sansamp BDDI, boss bass overdrive, maxon...
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    Liquid mix 32

    Looking to get around 200 bucks for this.
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    Video Tutorial: Triggering Midi From Live Drums using Logics Drum Replacer

    I'm putting together some video's going over my typical mix process in Logic 9. The track I'm working with was recorded live off the floor in slightly less than ideal circumstances, so it should be a good resource for beginner/intermediate engineers who are recording bands live off the floor, or...
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    Reamping process is degrading quality of guitar tracks (clips inside)

    Hey thar! I've been noticing that my reamps aren't sounding as full as a guitar plugged directly into my 5150. They always come out sounding thinner, lacking punch in the low end and sounding scratchy. I've scrutinized every aspect of the chain and I'm still coming up empty handed. I'm...
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    looking for tom editing tips

    I'm editing drums for a song where the drummer does this tribal beat on the toms for like 5 fucking minutes. It is SO much fun, you guys don't understand! lol Did I mention there is lots of cymbal bleed and I replace drums in the piano roll by hand? Anyways, I'm not looking for any advice on...
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    Can Logic / Pro Tools users help out a confused soul?

    Hey guys, I'm in desperate need of a new computer and I'm thinking of going from Logic 9 on an Imac to a p.c running Pro Tools 10 on windows 7. The only problem is that Logic's track folders and multi swipe comping feature has become a crucial part of my workflow. I know that the playlist...
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    looking for brutal death metal snare samples

    you know the super dead sounding slam/death grind type snare used by bands like inherit disease, devourment, and all the rest of the bree bree scarier than thou extreme paint can snare? ....... deep breath I really need to show some dudes that I am scarier than them, have more...
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    I could really go for a sprite right now!

    hey there doods. I havent posted in awhile, since I am always late to the good threads and anything I could say has already been beaten to death haha I am often looming here in moments of boredom. thought I would share this vid with you all. I laughed my ass off...
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    another mac thread (sorry)

    hey dudes, Im sorry to start another damn mac thread. :muahaha: but I am in need of a computer upgrade and have decided to sell my soul to the devil once again for the next few years. anyways, Im not so keen on the idea of buying a mac from apple, because I dont think they deserve that much...
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    reamping snare ?!?!?!

    hey doods, I was looking for an article to show a client on the drum! website and came across an article about reamping snare drums ?!?! im just reading it now, and I thought some of you may get a kick out of it. keep in mind...
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    Marshall jcm 900 cab, v30s or no?

    hey guys, I just got a marshall jcm 900 cab as payment for a recording. I noticed that it says that it is 280 watts on the back. this is surprising to me as all the other 1960 slant cabs I have seen are 300 watts and have the 75 watt celestions. I was gonna unscrew the back but there are alot of...
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    hey d00ds, mac pro question.

    so Im looking for a used mac pro or power mac. Im looking at a quad core 2.0 ghz machine with 4gb ram and 2 250 gb hd`s running 10.5 buddy wants me to make an offer, but Im not sure what to offer. my budget is below 1500, but Im not sure what to offer. looked around the used market to...
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    what do you think about this guitar/bass sound?

    I ve been reamping the guitar and bass for an ep im working on. this track is a mix of 5150 / recto > recto cab > audix i5 1" from the grill, studio projects c4 4" from speaker for the main guitar sound, and peavey windsor for the cleaner guitars. Im wondering if Im dialing in too low of...
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    spector legend 5 string or ibanez sr405?!?!?!

    sold my ibanez 7 string, and got some cash to buy a new bass that will hopefully have a bit better tonality than my peavey millennium. the 2 basses I can afford in the local used market are a spector legend 5 string with a 35" scale length, or an ibanez sr405 from 1996. both Im sure are a bit...
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    halp.... guitarist in need of BASS ADVICE

    hey dudes. I have been messing around with a cheap peavey 5 string bass for about a year now. mainly just playing bass lines on my recordings. lately I have been having a hard time digesting the disgusting sound of the low B string. It warbles in and out of tune atrociously. also, the action...
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    Fuck Floyd Rose! (the fuck floyd rose thread)

    I hate floyd rose bridges. they are cool if you want to go "weeeeeeeeerrrrrrwwwww, weeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrwwwwwwwwww" but try bending a note on 1 string while a note on another string rings out, or try alternating between palm mutes and open chords, and you have disaster. so why is it that...