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  1. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Line 6 Spider III Opeth Settings?

    Hey dudes, I currently am using a Line 6 Spider III amp and was wondering if anyone has any nice distortion settings for Opeth(say blackwater park, deliverance, or Ghost reveries). I currently use a very thrashy sound on the insane setting, the sound is pree nice, but a lil too distorted for...
  2. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark


    :rock::rock: Hey I don't want to sound like a fancy boy when I say this, but the other day when me and my girlfriend were watching the watershed dvd, We both said to each other, now is it me or did Akerfeldt cut his hair a bit. It definately looked longer before.
  3. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Perfect Opeth Guitar Sound

    Hey dudes, I've been playing Opeth songs for a very long time now and I know arond 30 songs by them on guitar. And I was just wondering what's the best Opeth sound I could get from My metal zone mt-2 pedal. So a kickass sound for heavy riffs and still have a very nice clean sound at the same...
  4. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Coil-Intro to Heir Apparent

    Now before I start this thread, I would like to say: Coil is Beautiful and Heir Apparent is one Of the best Opeth songs of all time, if you disagree then there is seriously something wrong. Definately the heaviest song they have done, I heard someone describe it he best way, Masters Apprentices...
  5. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Your Order

    Hey dudes, the question this time is how would you order the opeth albums from your favourite/best work in a list. IMO there is no Bad Opeth album, so the ones farther on the list does not mean they arent good, cause they all are amazing in a way. Include your 3 favourite songs of each album...
  6. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Serenity Painted Death Vs. White Cluster

    Two amazing tracks off the Epic Magnum Opus album Still Life, and probably the two heaviest on the ablum no doubt. So I keep listenin to this album back to front and Its such a hard choice to make as what is the better song. Both songs very hard hitting with brutal riffs and amazing solos. Some...
  7. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Blackwater Park Vs Still Life

    Im sure this obviously has been argued many times before so chill. This battle has been making me wonder for a while now, what is truly better Blackwater Park Or Still Life, Albums that are similar but very different as well. Blackwater Park was the first album I listened too and is truly a...
  8. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Rush Influence In Deliverance

    :rock:Hello Fellow Opeth worshippers, I have come to realize something very interesting and cool, as you already know Opeth are big fans of Rush, the complexity of there tunes and the progressive stuff and as weird as it sounds even the death metal stuff is influenced by this stuff. So anywayz I...
  9. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Funeral Portrait Solo Question

    Greeting Fellow Opethians, I am currently working on the Funeral Portrait on guitar and I got the solos all down and its been making me wonder whos solo's are these. To me all the solos sound like Peter Lindgrens, especially the very last one during the outro, with the sweep picking, you can...
  10. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Favourite Opeth Solo/ Most Difficult Solo

    So The question is what is your favourite Opeth Solo and what do you think is the most difficult solo to play. For me I cant just pick one Ill give my top list. Leper Affinity 1st Solo Fair Judgement Solos Deliverance 1st Solo When Black Rose Immortal 1st Solo Hours Of Wealth The...
  11. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Most Difficult Opeth Album And Song To Play

    Being a Guitar player for myself, I have never spent more time on any other band except Opeth. Mostly 90 percent of things I play on guitar are all Opeth related. I know how to play about 30 Opeth songs all the way through, note for note. I have never studied A band's music more than in my life...
  12. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Favourite Ballad/Mellow Tune

    :rock: Fellow Opethians, Got another cool and hard question here for all of us, What is your favourite Opeth ballad? Its A Big List and think it over, probably be given 2 answers for this one. No Instrumentals on this one To Bid You Farewell Credence Benighted Face Of Melinda Harvest...
  13. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Still Day Beneath The Sun Or Patterns In The Ivy II>?

    I have recently really listened to these two songs over and over again and really gave them a chance, I dont know why but at first I didnt really get into them but now they are up there with my favourite ballads, they are very beautiful and amazing songs. Every time I listen to them I connect...
  14. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Those Special Chills

    Ok everyone who is an Opethian here should know exactly what I am talking about, yes alot of music gives me those chills and makes the hair on my neck stand up, but nothing comes close to the chills Opeth's music gives me. Im talking about those moments that make you proud to be alive to witness...
  15. BlackRoseImmortalWaterPark

    Top 5 Favourite Opeth Songs

    What is your top 5 favourite Opeth Songs? It was such a hard question for me for a while, but ive finally been able to come up with a list. In no order Black Rose Immortal Ghost of Perdition The Leper Affinity To Bid You Farewell The Moor