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  1. R

    Life Is Sweeeeeet!!!

    I'm extremely happy right now!!! Just got back from an excellent gig with free beer and free food and LOADS of fit women!!!!!!!! Now sat down with a sandwich, a can of beer and........... our new 5 week old puppy snuggled up on my lap chillin' out!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin...
  2. R

    A Couple Of Tings!

    Just listened to the final "Chemical Wedding" and "Seventh Son" mixes and all I can say is.... W O W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :heh: :grin: They sound AWESOME!!!!! Downloading "Where Eagles Dare" as I type, can't wait to hear that one!!!!!! :)
  3. R

    It's Been A While!

    Dudes!!!!!!!! It's me Virus, thought I'd have a change of name :) How are you all doing? Sorry for the dissappearing act I did (AGAIN!) I've been really busy with the band / home life / home problems / computer problems / work and all that rubbish! ;) I know I'm marked down for a...