Search results

  1. Kasz

    Do opposites attract?

    Do they? I feel so. In my experiences, it always seem to me that the best can be brought out of us from our opposites. An introverted person could best express themselves with someone who was pretty extroverted. I'm a bit introverted and I had always found an attraction with any girl who was...
  2. Kasz

    Are humans inherently evil?

    Simple question, are we? I believe so. I make it no secret I despise many people in my life and people within my family, I would do something about it. Don't we all agree if if there were no laws or moral codes in this world, chaos will ensue because we as humans are incapable of good if...
  3. Kasz

    Should people stick to their own kind?

    Well? I ask because I belong to a certain race and try as I might, I simply do not understand some races out there, I just don't. it makes me wonder if the only friends I have belong to my race which begs the question, should people stick to their own kind? Any thoughts?
  4. Kasz

    How did you get into Dragonlord?

    For me, I watched the video "Until the End" 2 summers ago and I was sold. Ever since then, I bought both albums and I also got their t-shirt of Black Wings of Destiny. Imo, Eric should make another music video for the upcoming album. I like the dark mystique of his music.
  5. Kasz

    Techno Metal

    Hi, Guys. I'm new to this particular site. I just wanted to throw out if anybody on this site knows any band out there that is something in between techno and metal - A band that fuses kickass guitars with heavy bass beats. Thanks... I closest thing I could find was Mortiis so far. Any ideas?