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  1. seedofvengeance

    I got some

    Suck it, Mort. Whiskey told me to do it.
  2. seedofvengeance

    Folk Metal

    I'm sure someone else has already posted a rec thread for this before, but searching is a lot of work. Anyways... I don't know when it happened, but at some point in my stay here at UM, I have become incredibly fond of folk metal... which I found to be a joke before. So give me some...
  3. seedofvengeance

    NBA 2008

    It's happening. Discuss.
  4. seedofvengeance


    Following my recent participation in a Maiden-related discussion, I was left confused about my validity as a metal head. I'm still a noob for the most part, and since I can't get into Maiden and Priest, I'd like to know what are some other essential bands for any metal head? Any genre and...
  5. seedofvengeance

    In Flames

    I remember really liking the stuff I heard from them, and went and bought an album I found. It turns out that Come Clarity was probably not what I was looking for. What am I looking for? In other words, best In Flames album please.
  6. seedofvengeance

    NBA Playoffs

    It's playoff time! The last of the match-ups were decided tonight. I remember some of you saying you only care during the playoffs, so I figured I'd start a thread.
  7. seedofvengeance

    A Good Site to Find Rare Metal CDs

    I can't find some of the CDs (such as Benighted) I am looking for on Ebay, so I was just wondering if any of you know of other sites I could check for rare CDs.
  8. seedofvengeance

    The Heaviest Bands You Can Think Of

    Yep. That's what I want. I want something that would scare the weak of heart.
  9. seedofvengeance

    Summer Slaughter Tour Dates and line up have been posted, and it looks pretty good. Although, I have to violently disagree with the headliner (especially over Kataklysm and Vader):erk:. Still a pretty damn good lineup if they took...
  10. seedofvengeance


    Since I'm a noob and tend to say noob-esque things, I figure I should seek help to end my noob ways. I don't completely get how to classify things, I get confused as to where one genre ends and another begins. Like such things as these... Where does Grind become Slam Death? When is Death...
  11. seedofvengeance


    OK, I want to buy a Hypocrisy CD, but don't know which album. Suggestions?
  12. seedofvengeance

    I Desparately Need New Bands

    I'm vague, but I don't really want to list all my favorite bands, especially when they're in my sig. I joined this forum to find new bands, and this seemed the most logical route. I like anything that's insanely heavy like Nile and Behemoth, anything grindcore, and I'd also like to find some...