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  1. R

    Anyone know the set list for TESLA?

    I will be seeing these guys at the end of the month.. and was wondering if anyone was aware of the setlist. thx for any replies.:hotjump:
  2. R

    Setlist for upcoming gigs?????

    anyone know?? :wave:
  3. R

    starting to worry a bit.

    I ordered and paid for 'Convergence' at james murphys website.... about a month ago... I have not recieved the disc yet..... and am begining to wonder if I will..... :ill: :erk: :yell:
  4. R

    Anahiem HOB show Jan 30th

    anyone on this board going to be there??? funny, I will be at the Maiden show on the 31st at the Universal Ampitheater... A weekend of METAL!!! w00t!
  5. R

    LA House of Blues show Thanksgiving day

    whooo is going to this show!!!! I am wicked psyched!!!!
  6. R

    Review of SYL show at the GALAXY in Santa Ana CA. 5/19/2002

    I had posted this on another devy board i have been visiting.. figure i would put it here for your perusal :: K...... THE SHOW WAS AMAZZZZING.. once SYL came on that is... I tell ya, the 3 bands I had to listen to up until Strapping came on was pure torture.. one of them wasnt soooooo bad...
  7. R


    helllllz yeahhhz... u will be seeing alot of me.. => but I haven't alot of time right now to type much.... I looked through some of the posts as I was waiting for the registration email... i will respond to some of them laterz... I saw SYL at the Galaxy in Santa Ana/CA on the 19th of...