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  1. G

    5150 III > Framus Cobra cab, Mesa M6 > Powerhouse 4x10 profiles

    Whats up guys?! It is my pleasure to introduce to you my first set of profiles available now. The profiles include a 5150 III through a Framus Cobra 4x12 (Celestion Greenbacks) and a Mesa M6 Carbine through a Mesa Powerhouse 4x10. Both profiles include clean and boosted profiles by a Keeley...
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    FREE KEMPER BASS PROFILES (Mesa M6 carbine w/ Powerhouse 4x12)

    Hey guys, real curious to hear what you think of these. I spent a couple of days profiling my rig, and I feel like I got some pretty nice profiles here. We are all different, and it will ultimately come down to taste, but I've got about 80 profiles in total. Feel free to try out a few here and...
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    If you could build a custom bass (need help with design)

    Hey guys, I had a local luthier offer a custom bass for my Roland TD-12. I was curious, as I am not a bass player, would would be your suggestions for a fast bass catered towards metal, and downtuning. I don't personally tune to anything below C# but I have some bands come in that tune to A...
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    Whose Hearts Were His (for fans of BTBAM, Gojira, and The Red Chord)

    Whats up guys? Hope you are all doing well. I thought I'd drop by and share a new single off an ep I'm working on. The name of project is "Whose Hearts Were His". Elements of old BTBAM, Gojira, and The Red Chord. It's a solo project in which I wrote, and recorded everything myself. Every ear...
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    Take advantage of Toontrack specials?

    Whats up guys? I'm a sole Slate user at this time. I would like to expand my drum sample library so that my recordings don't all sound the same, and I'm just wondering if I should take advantage of these toontrack specials? With the metal month discounts, audiodeluxe discounts, and black...
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    Low end down the middle?

    Do you guys make the low end/sub mono when mixing/mastering? I've read in different tutorials suggesting this be done. In practice using Ozone 5 and in the stereo image section putting the lows at -100% I guess it what would be (pulling the fader all the way down) on the low end band. Thanks!
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    Reamping with Kemper (weird interferance noise)

    Ok, so I've researched for hours how to properly setup my reamp chain. I'm recording Spdif out into my Profire 2626. I'm sending the dry signal to my spdif out back into the Kemper. Then I'm recording the signal from my spdif out of the kemper into my profire in which I arm and record a new...
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    Death, thrash, djent demo feedback

    I've been in writing mode, and gearing up to record an EP. I'd love some feedback on a mix I'm working for some rough ideas. Thanks! -Gabe
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    Mesa Roadster + 4x12 + TS808 + Decimator + more - $2000

    I've got my whole rig for sale right now. Mesa Roadster,Oversized 4x12, TS808, Decimator, Holy Grail Reverb, DD5 Digital Delay, a flight case for the head with a 6 space rack, a dtr-2000 tuner, and a furman power conditioner. I'm looking to get $2,000 fro all this wonderful gear. The only...
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    My bands new full length now availbe/Thank you!

    I wanted to thank anyone, and everyone who helped give an opinion, and or criticism to any of my demo's I threw up on here. My band Solace and Stable just released our 2nd full length in which is availabe through I-tunes amazon and big cartel. The album was mastered by Jamie King as well...
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    How is this sounding?

    Alright so here is yet another mix from a song (progressive metal) from my full length I'm working on. I'd love some feedback. Thanks!
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    Help with treating my room

    Hey guys, I'm in the middle of making bass traps, and need some advice on the ideal placement of my desk/monitors in which to place the bass traps, acoustic foam around. My basement is oddly shaped, and I am uncertain of the best place to setup my monitors. I've got some pictures of every corner.
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    I can't win

    I'm recording my bands album, and I just can't become satisfied with this. I like a mix for 2 days, and then find something to change. I need some help!
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    New demo mix (tech prog metal)

    Hey guys, wanted to get some advice on what this mix may need. I've been mixing all day, and my ears may be shot. I'm mostly satisfied with it, but I feel like i'm having a hard time taming the low end. Any and all suggestions/criticism is welcome...
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    Cymbal replacement

    Hey guys, first off I've really tried researching topic, and found limited info, and so posting here was a last resort. I just bought SSD 4.0, and I'm not a huge fan of the cymbals. I bought the Joey Sturgis cymbal pack, and am trying to replace the SSD cymbals with the JS pack. I bought...
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    Solace and Stable demo tracks

    Alright so I've tried posting a few times recently, and have got absolutely 0 feedback. I'd love to know what some of you guys think both on a musical, and production level. Thanks! -Gabe Semptis Lemmings...
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    Progressive metal Critique Hey guys, I'm ready to throw out a mix for critiquing. Please let me know if you guys hear anything that needs to be changed. I know that when the solo comes in the mix changes a bit, but besides that, I'd love to...
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    Xiphos xpt700 $280?

    Hey guys, got a local selling a Xiphos XPT-700 for $280 should I get it? Never played one before, but that seem's quite cheap. It would be a back up guitar. thought?
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    Wretched - Beyond The Gate

    This might be my favorite album ever sound wise. Anybody have any info on this one? I know Jamie King recorded it. I am definitely trying to approach a similar sound while recording my bands new record. Anybody know Jamie Kings tendencies when it's comes to recording guitars? All the...
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    First time reamping have a couple of questions.

    Hey guys looking for some direction in reamping. I've never done it before, and want to make sure i'm not missing anything, and or trying to prevent having to retrack cause I didn't set something up right. I've got a Radial ProDI directbox, and a profire 2626 interface. I was reading the...