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  1. DominikJW

    Need second pair of ears, lend me yours!

    Hi guys, I need some opinions on this mix/master I'm doing for a client of mine, as I've lost perspective after couple of hours: I wasn't aiming for a typical modern sound, rather more into Sylosis-type of vibe. Lemme know what's wrong with it!
  2. DominikJW

    Windows 8 and RME Fireface 400

    So here's the deal. I'm currently running a Dell XPS m1530 c2d laptop with 32bit Windows Vista. The Fireface 400 is connected via Manhattan expresscard firewire interface and works solid. I'm thinking about upgrading the OS to Win 8 64bit, mainly to increase performance (got 4g of RAM) plus it's...
  3. DominikJW

    New Lands Beyond album RETROACT is out for free!

    Hi guys! My band Lands Beyond has released a new record titled "RetroAct". It's a solid, modern, low tuned riffing, with a touch of synth's, melodies and crushing vocals. We give you the whole 8 song album at bandcamp for free! Please enjoy it, share, and post your impressions...
  4. DominikJW

    Classic thrash with Metallica vibe

    First song from a client of mine, that's the final mix I made and I want to make sure it doesn't hurt ears before I'll send it to him. So is everything in place? Because I cant hear shit anymore.
  5. DominikJW

    Chooka Parker

    Dudes from Oz had probably heard about this fellow, but it's interesting enough I figured I'll post it. If everything what has been said there is true... I don't know what to think. Kid is brilliant, not only great pianist but talented and tasteful musician. I'm sure he'll be great one day.
  6. DominikJW

    Reaper/SSD EX 3.5 rendering issue

    Posted this on Slate forums already but I guess it's worth giving a shot here aswell. After rendering the drums, they tend (especially crashes/rides) to randomly, individually dropout. Heres a sample: It's present only on a printed file, none...
  7. DominikJW

    WTF hacking video screens with iPhone

    How's this even possible?
  8. DominikJW

    Hughes & Kettner TUBE 50 - any good?

    I'm looking for an amp but I don't have much to spend, found this fellow that is within my budget. Is it going to work in modern metal and drop tunings (check the link in my signature)?
  9. DominikJW

    Lands Beyond! Check my band's first EP and myspace layout!

    Hey folks! I've finally found some cool guys to start a band with, and we recorded a 4 song EP called "Beneath The Burden Of Haven". It's a sort of modern-metal-prog, tuned to drop-G#. There are real drums slightly blended with some Slate goodness. I did all the tracking, editing and...
  10. DominikJW

    Incredible synthesizer!

    Bumped on this video today, amazing shit, very cool music too! It costs 9.700 euros and theres a waiting list if you want to buy one :goggly:
  11. DominikJW

    APEX mics?

    I've got an opportunity to grab a pair of APEX 180 for some decent cash. Are they any good? What about their other mics, haven't heard of 'em before tbh...
  12. DominikJW

    Epic thrash/heavy metal band, need ears!

    Aight guys, I need your help, is there something more to do with this mix? It's a local bands demo, I did all the tracking, editing, mix and "master" with a little help from my friend. Drums are real, blended with some Slate goodness. Band is...
  13. DominikJW

    Sinn7 gear? I'm seeing quite a lot of their gear at various stores, it's pretty afordable so im curious if it represents any quality. Any of you guys had any experience with it? Since I'm looking for some budget-decent monitors, do you think that these DieBox.5 could be any good?
  14. DominikJW

    Bought myself a 7-string, hows this tone?

    Hi guys! I bought myself a 7 string Ibanez for christmas and swapped the bridge pickup with a DiMarzio D-Sonic. Guitars are LePou456 and SoloC quadtracked. The tuning is drop-A. It's my first recording with it, and I'm really curious if it sounds brutal enough...
  15. DominikJW

    Yet another "Rate my shit" thread

    Hi guys! It's a song of mine which I recorded today. I did an early mix and was wondering if you could give me some pointers! Used LePou's 456 this time, wooo that thing has shitload of gain :goggly: Anyway, please share some opinions :) Cheers!
  16. DominikJW

    Rockin on Peavey BANDIT!

    Hi guys! I remember some of you were curious how does that bastard sound, so I had some time today and I mic'd my old trusty Peavey Bandit. Anyway, there ya go! The chain was: Epiphone LP Standard (Gibson 500T bridge p-u) > Bandit (lead - High Gain / clean - Vintage) > SM57 > Firepod Double...
  17. DominikJW

    New song, need opinions!

    Just finished mixing this, please give it a listen and tell me your thoughts bout the tone. FYI it was all mixed on free plugins! Guitars are Pod Farm, drums - some samples Erkan posted not too long time ago, bass - FL's boobass. The ending solo is by my friend - Lord Awesomeguy...
  18. DominikJW

    Mixing death/black band - need advice!

    Hi guys! I'm doing a no-budget demo for my friends' band called Victima from Poland. It's actually my first job as a 'engineer' ;) and I want to make it as good as I can to check if I'm able or not to run some small buissness with recording demos for local bands. Anyway, it's a rough...
  19. DominikJW

    CLAWFINGER show live stream atm

    anyone wanna see Jocke live? ;),relacja.html
  20. DominikJW

    rate this tone [8505, Awesometime Impulses]

    It's a kinda proggressive-wicked metal tune, I'm trying to make it sound decent. is it listenable? also on my myspace: cheers!