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  1. HollowmanPL

    Replaced V30 with Celestion Classic...

    I've replaced one V30 in my cabinet to get a bit more versatile sound. 2 V30 (UK version) give too much fizz. If you're wondering how does it sound I've recorded a quick sample. This time no low tuning... :P
  2. HollowmanPL

    Swedish death metal collab

    Here's a a song we made for a Dead Bread project. HM2, no samples - live drums:) It was fun to mix it! Let me know your opinion! cheers!
  3. HollowmanPL

    Mesa Boogie 2x12 Rectifier vs David Laboga 212FS-PRO - CLIP

    Hey! I've borrowed Mesa Recto cab and did a little shoot-out with my David Laboga 2x12 (also V30). In my opinion difference is huge. Both miced with SM57 and MD421. Maybe you'd like to hear the result:
  4. HollowmanPL

    Heavy song with real drums

    Hey! I wanted to show you a song I did with Kevin Talley on drums. There will be more stuff with different vocalists but first I need to finish mixing :) Njoy!
  5. HollowmanPL

    RME FF400, Presonus Audiobox, DI box

    Little guitar DI shootout with these two interfaces and DI box. IMO guitars sound a bit dull without DI box.
  6. HollowmanPL

    Overheads mic comparison - Shure SM81, Josephson C42, Oktava MK012

    I made a little shootout - maybe someone will find it useful :) cheers Matt
  7. HollowmanPL

    SD Invader & SD Distortion

    Quick mix of these two pickups - my favs for playing heavy music. Maybe someone will find it useful. N joy :)
  8. HollowmanPL

    New song. 5150, real drums

    Here's my band's new song for you. Let me know what do you think about it! Cheers Matt
  9. HollowmanPL

    Overhead mics rock shootout - Shure SM81, MXL 603, Behringer C2

    Maybe some of you will find it useful
  10. HollowmanPL

    Dead Bread n-joy :)
  11. HollowmanPL

    Vocalists for collaborations wanted!

    I'm really sorry for starting here new thread but I'm lost :)There are few cool guys here that wanted to do some collaboration stuff but I can't find the thread thread where we've been talking and sending links so I'm sorry in advance for starting new (a little OT) thread here. So... I'm...
  12. HollowmanPL

    Delphin singing thrash metal!?

    A little sample of my bands new song. Maybe some of you like some thrash :)
  13. HollowmanPL

    My band first release...'real' instruments!

    I'm currently working on my bands first EP. Everything is recorded thru micrphone (besides solos). No samples, ampsims etc. I wanted to do a mix of a modern production and raw sound. I'm deaf right now and I need your help - let me know your opinions about the mix, performance, music etc...
  14. HollowmanPL

    Dead Bread "Hatred Slice" EP

    Hey guys! Finally had some time to finish my debut EP that I've been working for a looong time. If you like some death metal, deathcore tunes take a listen and share your opinion! You can find more songs on our FB (also with different vocalists) if you like it. Songs are available for a...
  15. HollowmanPL

    Working on a band EP - real instruments

    I'm working on my band EP I don't want to use any samples/amspsims etc. and get a little bit vintage/raw vibe in the mix. What do you think? Cheers
  16. HollowmanPL

    Thrash with real drums

    I didn't wanted to get modern sound I was aiming a more 'raw sounding' vibe (at least on drums) with more bass guitar at front. Drums are 100% natural. No samples. Let me know your honest opinion how does it sound N-joy!
  17. HollowmanPL

    Comparing metal guitar mics - SM7, SM57, i5, E906, MD421, PR20

    I've picked up a few microphones and made this little shootout. Sorry for mistakes and shitty playing. Maybe this will help someone :)
  18. HollowmanPL

    Love the way you lie <3

    While playing around with Metal Foundry... Not perfect but at least it was fun to do :) N-joy!
  19. HollowmanPL

    Preparing first EP - need your input Started to mix my first death metal/deathcore ep. trying to get some violent sound. I still need to spend more time on vocals but how does it sound so far? All kind of comments are welcome! cheers matt
  20. HollowmanPL

    New headphones test - check this metal clip it's not tight - i'll re-record guitars this days (I need to change strings. These are one year old :P) What do you think? It's not clear and there's something annoying in the mix but I can't figure out what is it... cheers Matt