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    Something, anything! Hows the album coming along? any release date in mind?
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    Canadian dates?

    Hey guys. I read recently that QV was plaing a show in halifax i believe. Regardless, I was wondering when you will next be able to play more canadian dates, more specifically in quebec (and in an ideal world, sherbrooke :grin:) Thanks alot
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    In Flames fans back me up

    Check out this video: It's of In Flames playing the hive live. I was very happy to see that they had begun playing this song live again. I was however dissapointed to see than bjorn pretty much dumbed down the solo. I commented on this on youtube and recieved a lashback of bitchy in flames...
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    Next album?

    Hey Quo Vadis, I know you are touring for the next little while. But I was curious to know if you had a rough idea of when you might be thinking of hitting the studio next. Im anxiously waiting!
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    Which Meshuggah album should I buy?

    I have heard a lot about Meshuggah and it's reputation for highly complex music. I've never really listened to much of it though, and I am interested in doing so. To any Meshuggah fans out there, which is the best album for me to start out with, to get into the band. I have heard that obZen is...