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  1. DreamNeonBlack

    John Dies at the End

    Anyone see this film yet? Watched it the other day and enjoyed it. I was also a fan of the book and of course a fan of Don Cascarelli films, so it helped.
  2. DreamNeonBlack

    ExistenZ is awesome!

    I'm sure I've said this before but it deserves repeating. It is on right now.
  3. DreamNeonBlack

    Arch/Matheos this weekend?

    Any of you mooks going to the show on Saturday? If so, sound off. I will of course crawl out from under the rock where I've been hiding for this show.
  4. DreamNeonBlack


    Autographed CD arrived today, listened to about half and it is pretty awesome. And for those who care, liking the new Anthrax as well.
  5. DreamNeonBlack

    Anyone want to cover Beyond Within?

    I've been listening to DNB alot the past week or two. Any of you spiffy musicians want to do the music so I can warble over it?
  6. DreamNeonBlack

    Anyone going to the NY or Mass shows?

    I'm probably going to the mass. Show but would rather go to NY. Anyone from the board going? I'd be more apt to hit NYC if someone was going.
  7. DreamNeonBlack

    Sucker Punch

    Anyone see it yet? Just got back and I'm wondering what others might think. Only thing I will say right now is crazy good visuals and hot chicks.
  8. DreamNeonBlack

    SO basically...

    It is Fates Warning. Hell yeah! Former And Current FATES WARNNING Members JOHN ARCH And JIM MATHEOS Join Forces In New Project - Jan. 19, 2011...
  9. DreamNeonBlack

    I don't remember getting you?
  10. DreamNeonBlack

    The Social Network

    Who has seen this? I went yesterday. Very enjoyable movie, well acted and directed.
  11. DreamNeonBlack


    Anyone else see this yet? Very over the top and some hot nude chicks.
  12. DreamNeonBlack

    LOOKER is on right now

    1981 sci fi at it's best. :lol: Naked Susan Dey for teh win!
  13. DreamNeonBlack

    Kick Ass

    I just got back from seeing Kick Ass. Interesting movie, not something to take the family to that is for sure. Those trailers are very misleading. yes there are lots of bits of comedy but it is over shadowed by the blood and guts, minaly delivered from the young super hero Hit Girl and her...
  14. DreamNeonBlack

    After 20 years...a new Watchtower song

    And of course it rocks. Plus Alan Tecchio is back on vocals. :rock: Please tell me there are fans here?
  15. DreamNeonBlack

    Can I get a FUCK YEAH for new Watchtower??? First new song in 20 years! Alan Tecchio back on vocals. God it has been a long time.
  16. DreamNeonBlack

    The Crazies

    Just got back. Good fun, people turned crazy.
  17. DreamNeonBlack

    Charred Walls of the Damned

    Anyone buy this yet? Pretty good CD. I bought the CD/DVD version. Christy is borderline retard but man can he play.
  18. DreamNeonBlack

    Parallels lineup reunites for select shows!!!

    Whoa!!!! I'm glad to see they put the making of video and (another) new haven show in the special edition. I'm sure, if you look, you'll see me and all my friends in the audience. HA HA But, fantastic...
  19. DreamNeonBlack

    The Book of Eli

    Saw The Book of Eli last night, very good film. Washington and Oldman are great as usual. Kuniz is good, though I don't think great in it though. You could basically have put any hot chick actress into the movie and they would have worked. Fantastic action sequences but this isn't really an...
  20. DreamNeonBlack

    BEST MOVIE OF 2010!!!

    Stallone, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham, Jet Li , Stone Cold Steve Austin and (reportedly) cameos by Bruce Willis and the Governator... Seriously, how could this NOT win an Oscar? And notice Eric Roberts in the trailer?