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  1. B36arin

    My band Hamferð recorded a video during the total eclipse

    Here's a bit of mindless self-promotion. My band Hamferð recorded a live video of an "acoustic" version of one of our songs during the total solar eclipse in The Faroe Islands last Friday. It has been shared all over the place and already has almost 150k views on youtube, so I thought I'd post...
  2. B36arin

    Cheap, good bass for metal?

    I couldn't find a thread like this with a quick search, so here it goes. Can anybody recommend me a solid bass for recording in the 4-500 euro range? I've been considering picking up a bass for a long time now, but I don't want to spend too much on it since it's my first bass and I don't know...
  3. B36arin

    Hamferð(my band) releasing new album

    Hey guys, Here's a bit of self-promotion. Hamferð(my band, doom metal from The Faroe Islands) are releasing our new album "Evst" internationally on the 15th of November. Here's the first track off the album: It was recorded and mixed by me, there are a few things which I'd have done...
  4. B36arin

    Mac Pro dead, computer nerds?

    Hey guys, I need a bit of computer help. The Mac Pro in our studio died a few months ago, as in it freezes when we try to boot it. It's a 2007 Mac Pro version 1.1. The drives are fine, and we've been able to access all files. We've had a replacement in the studio but we have to give that...
  5. B36arin

    Marshall 2203 combo, Marshall nerds?

    Hey guys, I've found a Marshall combo on a local listing here. The seller describes it as a Marshall JMP from 1978, also known as 2203. It has a master volume and 2x Celestion Blackback 12" speakers. I'm gonna call him tomorrow. Do any of you guys have experience with it, or is there anyone...
  6. B36arin

    "New" Meshuggah

    Well, newly released, recorded by Fredrik in 2003. ?v=7e3OuUyKvbg SO GOOD
  7. B36arin

    Studio Bloch(shameless self promotion)

    Delete please...?
  8. B36arin

    Studio Bloch(shameless self promotion)

    Hey guys, I do most of my work out of a studio here in The Faroe Islands called Studio Bloch, it's owned by my boss Jónas Bloch. It's not mostly metal stuff, but there are a few metal albums on the way though. Anyway, I thought I'd show you guys what it looks like. You can check out...
  9. B36arin

    Eurosonic 2013

    This might be a long shot, but is anyone off the forum going to Eurosonic in The Netherlands next weekend? It's not a metal festival, but it's one of the biggest(if not THE biggest) showcases in Europe, so I figure somebody off here might go. I'm playing a show with my band Hamferð and flying...
  10. B36arin

    Merry Funeral Christmas

    Hey guys, I was bored so I made this, it's a funeral doom version of "Silent Night, Holy Night" in faroese with original lyrics... Tired of happy Christmas songs? Go check it out! It was written, recorded and "mixed" in my bedroom(with headphones), the whole process took a couple of hours so...
  11. B36arin

    Clients showing up late...

    I've had a lot of this recently. Somebody books a session at 11:00, and nobody turns up until 11:30. It's pretty annoying, because it means that we're going to be working later into the night. I work in a studio which charges pretty decent rates, so I usually work with professional projects and...
  12. B36arin

    Peter Wichers leaves Soilwork

    Off their official facebook: Due to “creative differences”, Peter Wichers and Soilwork have decided to part ways for the second time. Peter’s statement is as follows: I want to thank everyone who has supported Soilwork over the years. It has been a wild and fun ride, but it’s time for...
  13. B36arin

    Holding a doom metal workshop for children under 13...

    Hey guys, I play in a doom metal band( in The Faroe Islands, and we've been reasonably successful locally for the last 2 years. Successful enough that we've been asked to have an educational workshop about our music(doom) by the biggest local youth centre here. The...
  14. B36arin

    Wacken 2012, Hamferð(my band) playing!

    Hey guys, I'm assuming that quite a few sneapsters might be going to Wacken. I'm going for the fourth time, and I'm lucky enough to be playing this summer! Hamferð won the Faroe Islands edition of Wacken Metal Battle, so we're going to be playing in the new tent one of the first days. ...and...
  15. B36arin

    Mac Pro future?

    Hey guys, I've been reading around a bit but haven't had time to follow the discussion around this subject. If you were to build a new studio today, would you buy a new Mac Pro? Rumour has it that a new revision is popping up very soon, but other rumours say that the Mac Pro is getting...
  16. B36arin

    Does anybody edit drums without click/grid?

    Alright, a bit of background here. I've been lucky enough to be working as in-house engineer in an amazing professional studio here in The Faroe Islands. I don't work with shit bands here(well, almost never), most of the time we record stuff live with professional musicians who actually make...
  17. B36arin

    Hamferð(my band) touring with Týr, Moonsorrow and Crimfall

    Alright guys, I'm off on my first European tour with my band Hamferð( We've gigged a lot in The Faroes and Iceland the last 18 months but we've never been to the European mainland. We're going to be supporting Týr, Moonsorrow and Crimfall and I can't wait! We're...
  18. B36arin

    ITB automation - with faders or mouse?

    Alright, simple question. When you guys automate, do you use the mouse and draw the automation into the DAW or do you write it using a control surface(i.e. faders). What are your takes on the pros and cons of both methods? Using the mouse lets you go in and edit everything to perfection, but I...
  19. B36arin

    Digi 003 help

    Alright guys, I've tried searching and googling but it hasn't helped me, so I figured that I'd ask here. I've just bought a Digidesign 003 Factory and I've tried installing Pro Tools and the Digi Core Audio drivers it three times. Every time I've installed the software I get the error message...
  20. B36arin

    Cymbal durability

    I wasn't sure where I should post this, but this should be the right section. A friend of mine is buying new cymbals, and we were discussing which ones he should get. He's pretty broke, but he still wants to get quite expensive cymbals(Zildijan A custom, Sabian AAX) because he claims that...