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  1. digitaldeath

    Nail The Mix

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone's signed up for this service? Just looking for some reviews. Thanks.
  2. digitaldeath

    What poweramp do I need?

    Hi all, I recently grabbed a Line 6 Pod Pro & footboard for next to nothing and I'm interested in using it for live purposes. However I'm unsure what poweramp I'd need to pair with it to power my 2x12 cab - I was also looking at possibly...
  3. digitaldeath

    FS: Roland TD-3 e-kit

    Hi all, I've decided to sell my Roland TD-3 to help pay a few bills. I'm not using it as much as I used to, so it has to go. The entire kit comprises of: 4 x Toms (extra tom pad which I use as an extra crash cymbal pad) 1 x Snare (mesh) 2 x Cymbals 1 x High Hat and pedal 2 x Bass (I...
  4. digitaldeath

    W. T. Fuck?! Metal & J-Pop teenyboppers

    I give up... Seriously though, this is the commercialisation of metal which we're all too familiar with. Here's hoping that maybe kids will listen to this then gradually progress onto stuff like Arch Enemy or something! :)
  5. digitaldeath

    Reamping (amp -> Hotplate)

    Hey guys, Need some input here, been scratching my head at this for a while. Here's my signal chain: Interface (unbalanced out) -> Tubescreamer -> 6505 -> Hotplate -> interface. I get feedback on the reamped signal when I use the line out from the Hotplate. So I tried putting my...
  6. digitaldeath

    Anyone using Presonus Studio One?

    I'm currently working through the Groove3 tutorials and it seems like a fantastic DAW. Yes, it's still young and it doesn't have all of the features that everyone expects, but that's partly why I like it, especially when compared to something like Reaper which does have a lot of the requested...
  7. digitaldeath

    Reamp without reamp box?

    Hey guys, Quick question... I've an M-Audio Fast Track Pro which I want to use to reamp. Outputs 1 & 2 are TRS and outputs 3 & 4 are RCA. From looking at the Fast Track Pro manual it seems that outputs 1 & 2 are the same as the headphone out. Can I just run an cable (RCA-to-TRS cable)...
  8. digitaldeath

    Superior overheads

    Hey guys, did a rough mix of the track Nick posted recently which gave me the opportunity to try out the Metalheads EZX. Is it just me, or do the overheads sound far too "mono" with a serious lack of stereo spread? I know these were recorded as stereo overheads and that you can fart around...
  9. digitaldeath

    Input monitoring problem (Reaper)

    Hey guys, for some reason, the gain knob on my Fast-Track Pro seems to be doing fuck all. My guitar is going into a phantom powered Countryman DI, XLR input into the pre, but adjusting the gain knob is not reducing the input when monitored in Reaper (mix knob @ 100%). It's too hot for my liking...
  10. digitaldeath

    I'm back playing live gigs! (band MP3s included)

    Hey guys, Been a long time since I played a live gig. Since my last band, Thoughts Of Ruin, disbanded, I've been more focused on writing and recording at home etc. An old friend recently got in touch, his band were stuck for a drummer, so I said I'd help out. Enjoyed my first gig about 2...
  11. digitaldeath

    E-kit MIDI (example included)

    Hey guys! Finally got time to mess around with my e-kit module a bit more. I have two kick pads that were simply doing my head in (one pad, one mesh) so I just dampened a 22" kick I have here and put a ddrum kick trigger on it. I just recorded a very quick fill kinda beat, left it un-quantised -...
  12. digitaldeath

    Crashy, open hi-hats in SD2.0?

    Hey guys, I gotta work on some rock stuff later in the week and I won't get much time to play around with SD2.0 before then, but how do I get a nice open, crash sound from the hats? What I mean is that when using real hats, the drummer might space them quite far apart (the top and bottom hats)...
  13. digitaldeath

    THD Hotplate

    Hey guys, I'm due to become a dad in April, so it's gonna reduce the chances of me running loud amps here at home. I'm thinking of getting a Hotplate and using impulses instead. I just wanna know for sure if I can use a Hotplate (8ohm) without connecting the tube amps to a cab. Is this possible...
  14. digitaldeath

    My album production & release: a discussion

    Hey guys, Firstly, I apologise for the long post. If you read it to the end, all I can say is "thank you!" This kinda reminds me of some of Erkan's long posts! :lol: I really value the opinion of the community here, so on we go... Okay, so I've gone back to playing guitar (I'm a drummer) and...
  15. digitaldeath

    WTB: POD Farm Platinum 1 or 2

    Hey guys, I'm looking to buy POD Farm Platinum + iLok (including license transfer) with reasonable shipping, preferably within the EU. Please specify if you have Platinum 1 or 2, as I'd like to upgrade to v2.0. Please note that Pod Farm Platinum 2 is available on for 95 Euros and...
  16. digitaldeath

    Scheter Diamond Omen 6 - any good?

    Hey guys, been offered one of these for 125 Euros, what's your opinion on them? I plan on putting active pups into it as I have enough passive guitars around here. Any thoughts?
  17. digitaldeath

    Quantize MIDI drums with real overheads?

    Hey guys, I know people have mentioned doing this in the past, but no one really said anything about the best way to quantize MIDI drums with real overheads & hi-hats. Right now I'm thinking I could bounce the MIDI to audio, slip edit the drums as normal, then quickly convert the snare, kick...
  18. digitaldeath

    Reaper Easter Egg!

    In the about screen, under the credits tab - hold shift and double-click! :rock:
  19. digitaldeath

    The Empire Shall Fall - Voices Forming Weapons (drum cover)

    Hey guys, just thought I'd share this quick video I did earlier today.
  20. digitaldeath

    Thoughts Of Ruin - Reclaim The Throne (EP + artwork by Denis Sibeijn) - Free Download

    Hey guys, thought it'd be nice to share some music! I no longer play with this band (I play drums and wrote some of the guitar riffs on this release), but had a hell of a lot of fun while it lasted. Enclosed is a readme file with some additional info regarding the band/EP etc. I've also...