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  1. Ecstatic Youth

    When music makes you fucking lose your mind

    How many times, when, and what music has ever made you just fucking freak out because it was just so damn you could never possibly say enough about how fucking brilliant it was. I'm talking the shit that you could never ever imagine getting sick of no matter HOW far away you stray...
  2. Ecstatic Youth

    Iced Earth & Children of Bodom- Toronto, April 26

    @Club RockIt How much ass will this kick? Lots, I say. I can't wait to see CoB again. They fucking rocked so much when they opened for Nevermore....I might even say they stole that show. I wonder how the Canadian crowd will react to the new songs? What with them being all about America...
  3. Ecstatic Youth

    HUGE pot growing operation busted like 2 hours from my city This is one BIG motherfucking bust. 30,000 plants...lots. Wouldn't mind working THAT evidence room!
  4. Ecstatic Youth

    Dig it....fully.... 133 languages worth of cuss words....fantastic!
  5. Ecstatic Youth

    Happy New Year's motherfuckers!

    Yah man! To the max! Well, what's everyone's plans for tonight? Me? I'm getting bombed outta my face and high as a kite. So, Happy New Year's and all that. Stay safe folks. -EY
  6. Ecstatic Youth

    What do YOU do with your spare time in the winter? This video is awesome. I wish I could do that on a fucking GT. Damn. Pulling huge superman seat grabs, double tailwhips, and heelclickers on a GT gets my thumbs up! Watch it!
  7. Ecstatic Youth

    Don't you just love it when...

    ...pop-ups advertise pop-up blocking programs? ...*shakes head*..."The ironing is delicious"
  8. Ecstatic Youth

    Chuck- R.I.P Dec 13/01

    Today being the second year anniversary of Chuck's death, I figured it'd be appropriate to put up a thread. R.I.P Chuck Schuldiner
  9. Ecstatic Youth

    Vital Remains- Dechristianize

    All I can say is WOW!!! This CD is god damn amazing. It's super melodic as hell, but super death metal too! It's like listening to old In Flames for the awesome melodies, but on super death metal heroin. Fucking A...i'm only on the 3rd track right now(there's only 1 song on the album under 6...
  10. Ecstatic Youth

    Will anyone here be my bitch?

    Please???? ...i'm looking at you LoM...
  11. Ecstatic Youth


    I'm hearin' some of there tunes today and they are pretty good shit. Music sounds like Cowboys-era Pantera, and vocals are kinda late-Pantera Phil. I will probably buy this CD. Breathing New Life is the best of the songs i've hear so far.
  12. Ecstatic Youth


    How often do you people get high or drunk? Do you really know? Like 3 or 4 times a week maybe? Maybe you don't even know much you do....I know some of my friends honestly can't remember how many times a week they get fucked up 'cause they just do it so much. So everytime you get fucked up...
  13. Ecstatic Youth

    Cell phones?

    What you ppl think of them? I have one, a flip phone(Motorola V60i to be exact), and I love it. I got it out of convenience. I don't actually need it though. It keeps me in touch with my friends, people can reach me if need be, and it has games that can keep my ass unbored in class....I also...
  14. Ecstatic Youth

    Only the best?

    SUCK MY FUCKING DICK! Pop-ups make me angry. Does that sound familliar to anyone or is my browser and UM just in cahoots and want to be cunts to piss me off?
  15. Ecstatic Youth

    Hypocrisy tunes

    Anyone got any suggestions for good Hypocrisy tunes for me to download? I wants to hear some of their stuff after being impressed by them when they opened for Nevermore. The only song I remembered from the show was Fire In The Sky, and I downloaded it and, I must say, it is sexy. So, any...
  16. Ecstatic Youth

    Blind Guardian- Live

    Anyone have this CD? I wanna pick it up REALLY bad because it's basically serving as a best-of album and BG have too many good albums with too many godo songs and I can't afford that many cd's. So, what's this CD sound like? When I saw them live they were great so I would imagine this would...
  17. Ecstatic Youth

    Kazaa blows me

    What's everyone using to DL shit that ain't Kazaa and WinMX? I know there's one that i've heard a whole bunch of times, I just can't remember the name.
  18. Ecstatic Youth

    So bored...

    Kill me now! :yell: :cry: :mad: :bah:
  19. Ecstatic Youth

    Nevermore are __________________

    Fill in the blank with one word folks. I wanna see wat you ppl put in the blank spot. I wanna know if ppl put down an opinion, a description of the music, or something rediculous(which i'd rather not get oddly enough). I want a serious answer see what you ppl would say about...
  20. Ecstatic Youth

    "More tea Mr. Bike?"
