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  1. CSebastian

    what's about Ron Jarzombek upcoming guitar instructional DVDs?

    When will be available the RJ's guitar instructional DVDs? I can't wait anymore to enjoy this material...It will be a masterpiece by sure... someone has something to tell us about it?
  2. CSebastian

    hi ron, i'm from Argentina and i want...

    I hope it works!!! because i can't wait any more to join my BS CD!!! I bought the CD (today's afternoon...)
  3. CSebastian

    hey Ron!, what effect is this (The Insominac)?

    Hi all...I think there is no special in the guitar sound (reverb, chorus, compressor and maybe some delay) ...but the arpegios are doubled by some kind of Musicbox... isn't it?
  4. CSebastian

    hi ron, i'm from Argentina and i want...

    gracias rodrigo...yo creo que me lo compro entre hoy y mañana...ahi te aviso como me fue... saludos
  5. CSebastian

    hi ron, i'm from Argentina and i want...

    hi all!!! how are you doing Rodrigo... I'm from Santiago de Chile, and I want to know if you have buy with Paypal... Does it work with no problem? I really apreciate if you tell me your experience... thanx!!!