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  1. RCW

    New album I recorded, free download, pop/punk vibe

    Hey, I just finished up a full length for my band Man Oh Man! titled "You're Part Of It". It's not hardcore or metal but I am posting it because I used so much of what I learned here on the forum when recording this album. This forum has helped me out so much! Just want to share this with...
  2. RCW

    is a re amp box needed?

    I sold my radial reamp box because I got just as good of results going direct from my interface outputs to the amp. Keep in mind I don't do it much but still.... I felt like it was a big waste of money. It seemed like a glorified knob to adjust the level but I can do that in Reaper as well...
  3. RCW

    is a re amp box needed?

    I would like to know as well considering I always just go out of my MOTU 828 mk3 into the amp. I've never had an issue with that method. Someone let us know the advantages if any.
  4. RCW

    Buying a Macbook Pro Possibly - Advice

    I have a mbp with the stock 5200 rpm drive and run up 48 track count projects in reaper all the time with no issues. I just did last night as a matter of fact. Some people complain that there will be problems which I too anticipated like you are doing but I have not had not a single issue...
  5. RCW

    rock song for local baseball team

    haha it already put the "cheese" factor over the top when i added that motorcycle sampe.... ugh. haha :lol:
  6. RCW

    rock song for local baseball team

    So this isn't my usual thing but a friend of mines band was asked to record the local baseball teams theme song. I feel like I have a solid mix. Let me know what you guys think...
  7. RCW

    To iMac or not to iMac?

    competely agree. switched to mac osx and now it's hard to use a pc unless i have to. learning curve was really fast. i am up and running with mac and osx as well as i was with windows in a couple of weeks. it really hit me hard today actually. i got a new printer from best buy an hp. it's a...
  8. RCW

    Tracking and mixing at 88.2/24bit...anyone doing it?

    On the theory of running convertors at a higher sample rate to get a better sound.... I have a MOTU unit. When I run that shit at 96 khz it gets extremely airy and has this quality about it that I personally don't associate with warmth or very good sound at all TBH. That's my take on it. It...
  9. RCW

    Trade: MOTU 828 mk3 for any protools compatible interface...

    ha no. it has to at least be comparable. i may just sell this thing on local craigslist and use the money to buy a profire 2626 or something.
  10. RCW

    Lets talk about 808s for a min

    I have been doing the same thing. I have had a couple of bands here lately though that have basically been specifically requesting that the sub drops distort the mix. fuuuuuu :erk: usually the same bands that ask for 10 - 15 in every song and can't play their instruments for shit. I hate...
  11. RCW

    Master to -4.83dB RMS loudness!

    Let me just say, I actually got up and went to my room to get my headphones just so I could hear this...... worth it. :notworthy
  12. RCW

    pro tools mix session madness

    So are you going to be switching to doing everything in PT? Or just mixing in it?
  13. RCW

    taming the dynamics of replaced drums

    Honestly, this might not be an option for you. I used to use drumagog on pc but I recently switched over to mac with reaper. I can't get drumagog to work for me on reaper. I have been demoing a friends copy of aptrigga. I have been using maybe two different snare samples with the random setting...
  14. RCW

    Trade: MOTU 828 mk3 for any protools compatible interface...

    Hey dudes. I have a MOTU 828 mk3 with all original manuals and box. I want to get into pro tools but the MOTU isn't compatible. It has been a dream in reaper and cubase since I have had it. The drivers for mac and osx are rock solid. This unit has more i/o than I could ever use and the a/d...
  15. RCW

    UA 610 or API 2134+ or even.... Manley Slam? Help me

    Awesome dudes! Thanks for the insight. I think I will go with that API. It's actually the cheapest unit to rent of the choices I provided. I have never had the opportunity to use a "nice preamp". The best I have used is a studio projects vtb-1. This should be fun! :)
  16. RCW

    UA 610 or API 2134+ or even.... Manley Slam? Help me

    Yea that might be possible. The only thing is we are recording for a solid 4 days. We will have to drive to Nashville to get whatever equipment we will be renting so going twice would suck. It would be a waste of money to rent both at the same time for both days when we would only use the 610...
  17. RCW

    UA 610 or API 2134+ or even.... Manley Slam? Help me

    Hey everyone, My band will be recording a full length album at the end of march. We are doing everything ourselves with an exception of maybe mastering (yet to be decided). Anyway, We plan on renting a really nice preamp to basically run all of the important stuff through. Drums, bass...
  18. RCW

    Anyone using Mac and PC platforms together on a regular basis?

    In answer to this question: YES, It will be just as annoying as you expect it to be. At least it was for me. This is the reason I decided to make that face first jump to osx. I scrapped everything I could get along without and found substitutes for the must haves.
  19. RCW

    Anyone using Mac and PC platforms together on a regular basis?

    I just got a macbook pro roughly a month ago. I love it to death. I have been using a pc for everything for the last 2 years and I had a damn good workflow too. I bought the mbp thinking I would stick with windows and just run bootcamp to do work on my mac. It turns out I enjoy using osx way...
  20. RCW

    new tracking strategies... chug/metalcore.

    pretty generic stuff. love the dudes and love working with them though. guitars are a peavey xxx miced with a sm57 an inch off of the cone. also, got a di and ran it through guitar rig using the ultrasonic preset. There is a tiny delay between the mic signal and the di but I personally think it...