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  1. B

    New Album

    Thanks Oddleif, I'm glad you didn't see my post as negative, but only as encouragement. I fully agree that TBD deserved to be released, and I'm also very happy that you chose to. We are all human and can share similar feelings and experiences. So to me it is also a special album, and I think...
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    New Album

    Can't wait for the new album! The Bottom Deep has really grown on me, I really hope that the new album keeps a lot of things from it. I find it more mature than the other albums, and more focussed (more efficient, more raw), but its just as musically interesting. Its like all the best things...
  3. B

    Acoustic album with Damian Wilson

    As the title says really, I know it could be a long way off if you did decide to do it... but I just think it would be such a nice album and definitely worth doing, I really love the last one. I'm not going to ask if you'll do it or when you'll do it.. just wanted to express my desire for it :)...
  4. B

    Which songs would you like to hear live?

    I don't mind, I really don't, I just want to see them live ;)
  5. B

    Listening to March of Progress

    I think DR and MoP are pretty different, DR is more accessible, heavier, etc. Its got more "singles" on it. MoP is more of a grower, its more subtle, also I think more soulful and authentic, the fresh direction for the band has a sense of vulnerability and courage about it which I find...
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    March Of Progress, nowhere to be bought tomorrow ?

    I really just want to buy it in MP3 format on the 24th from some european site... anyone know if thats possible? :)
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    March of Progress - latest news

    I love Damien's voice as much as Mac's, and Glynns, for different reasons Oo Depends what kind of mood I'm in. But now Damien is back, I really appreciate that the band is going to sound new and fresh, and the singing is still in the hands of a master. Also I think a lot of people forget that...
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    March of Progress - latest news

    Really looking forward to the new album, I love the new track, listened to it loads already! Trying not to overplay it but can't help it :D Easily one of my favourite bands ever. I really would love to see Threshold live and hope that on the next tour you will play somewhere in the south east...
  9. B

    The Bottom Deep

    Me too its f***ing brilliant :D
  10. B

    Complete track for the new album online NOW

    I have pre-ordered the album on amazon, because the shipping in the webshop is really expensive to the uk :( But I also found on amazon a preview of all the tracks, and OMG it sounds like one of the best albums I ever heard from the little bit there :D...
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    Complete track for the new album online NOW

    Wow, great track. It sounds really nice too. I'm hoping there are some more progressive tracks on the new album as well, I'd like to hear them with this new sound :D
  12. B

    1st trailer from the new album

    Counting the days.... :D it seems like forever! Can't wait :) And those small little samples of it sound amazing!
  13. B

    New album is done...

    Nice, thanks shaft! I really like them :D
  14. B

    New album is done...

    Wow, I didn't know those names, but I looked them up on google, and they both blew me away! Dan Swanö So clear... going to have to get these guys albums. Can't believe I never heard of them before :/ Eliran Kantor is amazing aswell...
  15. B

    Nice webshop :)

    Just thought I'd say thanks for setting up the webshop. If people haven't seen it its here: I came on tonight to ask where its best to buy the new album, didn't expect to see a webshop with loads of signed goodies...
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    Ingermanland albums

    Check out Scariot too, when Oddleif was in the band, its good :D (but its a bit different to communic)
  17. B

    New album update - Title revealed!

    Gotta be honest I'd prefer something like the darkest deep instead of the bottom deep, just because the word bottom reminds me of.. bottoms.. lol.
  18. B

    New Album?

    Thanks for the update Oddlief. I'm really looking forward to hearing the new album :D Good luck with the producer, studio and 2nd guitarist.
  19. B

    What a great band

    Just wanted to say how much I love communic :) Think my favourite album is Waves of Visual Decay, just because it sounds so emotional and yet so evil and sinister at the same time. Theres not a single song on there I don't like :D I really like how talented the band is, how well everyone in...