Search results

  1. I

    CAD Drum Mics - Too cheap to be good?

    They do their job. I have them and use them for drum recording. I replace 100% though. They work well as triggers! haha. The kick is pretty horrid sounding on its own, and the tom/snare mics aren't too hot either. The condensers in the premium pack are actually not that bad. I'm definitely...
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    Quad Tracking & Layering....urghhhhhh

    Don't know if this would make a difference, but maybe it's something to try. Track all the rhythms first with one mic, quad tracked. Then on the leads try dual micing your amp (something like the clayman method - it's one of the stickied threads) to get a little extra for each lead guitar...
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    Steven Slate Drums, Bouncing Separate Tracks

    Morgan C, I've been using Kontakt as a soft synth. Just importing midi drum tracks onto a soft synth track and putting Kontakt on it. I'm just hoping to be able to bounce or convert these to normal audio tracks as if each piece of the kit was recorded with separate mics just like when...
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    Steven Slate Drums, Bouncing Separate Tracks

    Hey Guys, Just got SSD 3.5 installed, and I'm having amazing results with it. So far I've just been programming midi drums in guitar pro, importing it, and using SSD as a virtual instrument. I really want to be able to use separate plugins on each part of the kit and eq each the...
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    New Monitors...Which should I get?

    I'm looking into upgrading my monitors sometime this summer... And I've narrowed it down to KRK Rokit Powered 8's (2nd Generation), and M-Audio BX8A's. Anyone have any experience with the two? Review wise (, etc...) I'm leaning a bit towards the KRK's at the moment. Any...
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    General Vocal EQ, Comp, etc. Tips

    So evening stuff out before the compressor is a pretty good idea? Is it just one of those things that some people do, some people use other methods?
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    General Vocal EQ, Comp, etc. Tips

    Is it a bad idea to automate the input gain on a vocal track that will have a compressor on it? (I'm wondering because the songs I've been working on recently have large fluctuations in volume between high and low screams on the main vocal track) It seems to me like it would make the...
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    General Vocal EQ, Comp, etc. Tips

    Any tips for essential vocal EQ ranges? Like : "Body at 200Hz", etc...? (And of course the differences in EQ essentials between screams and cleans, if any) Also random n00b question as far as automation goes. Does typical track automation in a given DAW (I use Sonar) come before or after...
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    Guitar Tone Competition Final Showdown!

    A takes it. C is too fizzy for me!
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    NEW Dandelium song -EWQL, SoloC, Alu's Impulse... Should I include it in my demo?

    Wow that song is intense! Awesome work man! And by the way the mix improved about a thousand times from the first mix to the final one...really good job
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    Vocal Compression

    Wow never thought of doing split tracks...haha. Please elaborate on what to do differently as far as eq-ing high and low vocals! I'm guessing a little more low end on the high screams to give them more body and a little more high end on the lows to keep them crisp? Any guidelines as far as...
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    Vocal Compression

    Just some general questions about compressing screaming vocals... The tracks I'm working on have some big differences in volume between low growls and high pitched screams, the high screams normally being about twice as loud as the lows are. Will extremely heavy compression even this out or...
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    EZ-Drummer vs Steven Slate Samples (Noob inside)

    So can you import something like guitar pro midi drum tracks into SSD 3.0 and assign a kit to it, then voila?
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    EZ-Drummer vs Steven Slate Samples (Noob inside)

    does slate work the same way as EZ-drummer where you can import midi files and it will play them back? or is it just a sample collection?
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    Parallel Compression on Guitars? it's a good thing to try at least. So what's the best way to set it up? Should the effects send be pre-fader or post? I'm using the Fredman dual mic-ing technique, and obviously will have the on axis mic mixed a bit lower than the off will a pre-fader effects send throw...
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    Parallel Compression on Guitars?

    I've just started working with parallel compression busses on drum tracks, and I'm having awesome results. Just wondering, is this useful on distorted guitars at all to make them tighter and...ballsier? I know distorted guitars are already heavily compressed just in the nature of...
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    Telephone sound on vocals?

    Yeah Vinyl is pretty sweet...and really really simple to use. And free...gotta love that!
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    Telephone sound on vocals?

    Izotope vinyl It's free and you can get it from the izotope website, on top of being awesome at making things sound like crap! haha
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    So you would cut before and after the hit that is off and move just that section, correct?
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    Nobody ever seems to mention cutting after the hit and crossfading that as well...if you just cut before one hit and slid the entire rest of the take over, that would make everything that was on time late, would it not?