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  1. R.J

    Jim has a brain tumor. I can't believe it.

    Really happy to hear Jim's ok...CHEERZ BRO!
  2. R.J

    Jim has a brain tumor. I can't believe it.

    :erk: Really sad news, all my best to brother Jim, our bassplayer had it a few years back and he pulled through so at least there's hope. Horns up!
  3. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    My apologies again if some of You feel that we're spamming when letting old friends (I only posted on forums of bands we know and have toured with, apart from the band showcase) know that we'playing again. For the record I didn't really ask Your opinion either but I again apologize for my...
  4. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    I'm soooo very sorry if Ya'll don't like the way things are. I on the other hand is very happy to play with the shitfucks who really love to play. I just wanted to show Ya'll that some of us haven't given up. My one and only answer to Ya'll is: Do it better Yourself then! :kickass:
  5. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    MAD ME$$IAH was formed late 2010 by Tony (Guitar/Vocals), founding member, main songwriter and guitarist of the Swedish metal act MORGANA LEFAY (1989-2010). Tony brought in Jim (Vocals/Guitar), a very experienced musician/songwriter with thousands of live-shows under his belt, mainly...
  6. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    MAD ME$$IAH was formed late 2010 by Tony (Guitar/Vocals), founding member, main songwriter and guitarist of the Swedish metal act MORGANA LEFAY (1989-2010). Tony brought in Jim (Vocals/Guitar), a very experienced musician/songwriter with thousands of live-shows under his belt, mainly...
  7. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    MAD ME$$IAH was formed late 2010 by Tony (Guitar/Vocals), founding member, main songwriter and guitarist of the Swedish metal act MORGANA LEFAY (1989-2010). Tony brought in Jim (Vocals/Guitar), a very experienced musician/songwriter with thousands of live-shows under his belt, mainly...
  8. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    MAD ME$$IAH was formed late 2010 by Tony (Guitar/Vocals), founding member, main songwriter and guitarist of the Swedish metal act MORGANA LEFAY (1989-2010). Tony brought in Jim (Vocals/Guitar), a very experienced musician/songwriter with thousands of live-shows under his belt, mainly...
  9. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    MAD ME$$IAH was formed late 2010 by Tony (Guitar/Vocals), founding member, main songwriter and guitarist of the Swedish metal act MORGANA LEFAY (1989-2010). Tony brought in Jim (Vocals/Guitar), a very experienced musician/songwriter with thousands of live-shows under his belt, mainly...
  10. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    MAD ME$$IAH was formed late 2010 by Tony (Guitar/Vocals), founding member, main songwriter and guitarist of the Swedish metal act MORGANA LEFAY (1989-2010). Tony brought in Jim (Vocals/Guitar), a very experienced musician/songwriter with thousands of live-shows under his belt, mainly...
  11. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    MAD ME$$IAH was formed late 2010 by Tony (Guitar/Vocals), founding member, main songwriter and guitarist of the Swedish metal act MORGANA LEFAY (1989-2010). Tony brought in Jim (Vocals/Guitar), a very experienced musician/songwriter with thousands of live-shows under his belt, mainly...
  12. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    Just a little update:
  13. R.J

    Live Morgana Lefay Bootleg - Chicago Powerfest 2004

    It might be Alina Michelle "Squeak" [] Give it a shot and contact her...
  14. R.J

    Mad Me$$iah, new band by ex. Morgana Lefay members.

    Members from Morgana Lefay (Lefay), Fantasmagoria, M.I.D, Rebel Collective... Mad Me$$iah was founded around 2010/2011 by guitarist Tony Eriksson, soon he tapped Jim Wallenborg on vocals/guitar, Robin Jonsson (ex.Engström) on drums and Micke Åsentorp on the bass and so the story begins... Some...
  15. R.J

    Rösta på Rebel Collective till Getaway Rock Festival (Swedish only)

    SMS röstning: SMS'a TEXT: OAG REBE4 to number 72500, cost 6 SEK (SWEDEN ONLY):kickass:
  16. R.J

    Gig #4

    There's no place like home...I'm told...haha! Anywho...we're doin' a "hometown" gig at our favourite Gavlian Metal Pub: CLUB MONSTER on Friday April 9:th, doors at 21:00 CET. Welcome Ya'll! :rock: Face Book: Location...
  17. R.J

    Video of R.J with Unscarred (Brazil)

    In the summer of -09 during my trip to Brazil . Halo took me to see a show with Brazils greatest Pantera Tribute UNSCARRED (feat. members from THREAT). As the guys in UNSCARRED heard that I was visiting they invited me up to join in on a few songs... As the time was past 3am in the morning and...
  18. R.J

    Complete "Saturday Night Syndrome" on My Space!

    Indeed! As we are searching for that nice, filthy-rich, recordlabel boss ready to loose a drinkingcontest against us, ending up giving us the best deal ever :hypno: We decided to offer YOU the remaining songs of our debut "Saturday Night Syndrome" to enjoy here...
  19. R.J

    Rebels on You Tube

    Yea, well...not a real video...yet...just a small "collage" kinda thing to show folks how we are. Check it out here: Hope Ya'll like it :kickass:
  20. R.J

    Ideas for touring???

    Yeez... Been thinking about this touring part of life again. Not so easy without labelbackup or possibly a booking agent. That and the fact that I've been "out of the loop" for quite some time puts me here asking for help :) So... The "plan" at hand is in three parts. 1: Short (10 days...