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  1. C

    A Question about Vocals on EToS

    Umm, no I don't think "suck" is the right word. They're not so powerful compared to other growlers, but Altti developed over the years and after their reunion I think his voice is notably stronger. It's still not one of the strongest elements of EToS music, but I'm a fan of Altti's music and got...
  2. C

    Engel demos

    Hi there, can the band members or somebody close to the band (or even not) put up Engel demos on the net available for download? I found some of those songs, but they are often poor quality web-rips and some songs are still missing, like overwhelming Perfect Seed. :rock:
  3. C

    For My Pain...?

    I don't know if Altti visits this forum on any regular basis, or if at all, but I just read this very recent interview with him and I was really surprised that he mentioned For My Pain... still as his side project. I thought this project was dead, or better to say, put on ice forevermore. So if...
  4. C

    BTBS Studio Footage

    You don't have to apologize, maybe it's rare nowadays, cause it's not available on the band's official web anymore, only through youtube... ;)
  5. C

    Favorite 2009 Albums Thus Far ...

    As we're only in a halfway of this year, the list is in no particular order: Black Sun Aeon - Darkness Walks Beside Me Konkhra - Nothing Is Sacred Disarmonia Mundi - The Restless Memoirs EP Hardcore Superstar - Beg For It Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue with the Stars
  6. C

    BTBS Studio Footage

    this video was put downloadable by the band itself when the BtBS came out. I think I can still find it in my computer somewhere...
  7. C

    TAB Thread

    Cool...haven't tried to play the songs by your tabs yet, but I really looking forward to the whole "virgin" album and especially The River Flows Frozen...
  8. C

    Covers (Artwork)

    To be honest, for me it doesn't make a difference so much, actually I realized it only a while ago (just when I looked at the cover very carefully) that one of the face stands for a virgin and the other one for whore :) maybe it's because that seductive face really looks innocent for me too ;)
  9. C

    Album out now, T-shirts available!

    Well, while the album is out for some time now, can we have the pleasure of watching some more pictures or maybe even videos from the recording sessions? I just hope I'm not the only one here who is possessed by shots from the studio, observing how the records are brought to life, how all the...
  10. C

    Kind of a goofy question, but ...

    If you mean this picture I suppose it's a handful of soil with some rootlets maybe...
  11. C

    Covers (Artwork)

    Difficult poll...I chose ChotDW, but I had a hard time not to vote for AWaaW, because of my sentiment for this album and also BtBS has a very nice cover..
  12. C

    Favorite VM's song ?

    Nightwind's Lullaby, definitely ;)
  13. C

    Ultimate Metal would like to welcome Eternal Tears of Sorrow

    Will be the band members attending this forum on some regular basis? No doubt about Jarmo, he seems to be internet/technological freak, cruising through net every now and then ;) but I have some music related questions for Altti, so maybe a Q & A thread would be good?
  14. C

    Your favorite EToS album ?

    Haven't heard ChotDW enough times to make an solid opinion about it, but I think it has the most complex arrangements so far, with a lot of darker atmosphere than most of the previous records. Anyway, AWaaW is still my favourite album, followed by ChB, maybe the new one will be on the 3rd place...
  15. C

    Favorite CB's song ?

    yes, Autumn's Grief, definitely ;)... but I like Bride.., Black Tears and Nocturnal Strains too
  16. C

    Favorite AVaaW's song ?

    Really hard to choose, it's their best album, but Prophetian won. But I love Last One..., River Flows.., and Blood of Hatred too...