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  1. M

    SoundToys - Microshift FREE

    Not sure if its been posted already, but here
  2. M

    Mitch Lucker R.I.P He died in a motorcycle crash earlier today, way too young to fucking die
  3. M

    FS: UK, Dean Sledgehammer 5 w/EMG MMCS5

    Holy fuck, i can't believe this still hasn't been snapped up by someone yet. I get my uni loan soon, if its still on sale by then i'll take this off your hands man
  4. M

    FS: Ibanez SR 305

    I need to sell my bass, so i'm posting it around Its in good condition, never gigged before, or used in a rehearsal Its a nice bass and is capable of all sorts of different tones for different genres Specs - SPECS Neck Material: 5pc Maple/ Rosewood Neck Type: SR5 Body...
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    Gareth was right

    That is actually brilliant
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    Trading amps online via Gumtree/CL etc, advice?

    If you do it through ebay then your protected, so i'd go for it if you want that amp
  7. M

    I done a doom track

    Triptykon are definitely worth checking out man! They have influenced me a lot haha Yeah man the fret buzz was pissing me off as well, i couldnt do nothing to stop it really though, it was too low tuned for my bass to handle And here the DI tracks are...
  8. M

    Any London people have any tips on bars/places to eat?

    I go out round Camden most weekends, the Hobgoblin is pretty good for chilling out with loud metal music and beer, you've also got the Black Heart and Worlds End near there as well, the Crobar is alright but pretty expensive, and Intrepid Fox is nice as well, but expensive booze. There arent...
  9. M

    I done a doom track

    So yeah, i've done a doom/sludge song, thought i'd post something up on here finally The bass might be a bit loud, and its got no vocals yet, but let me know what you lot think! and if anyone wants them i can upload the...
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    Gareth was right

    He's made himself look like a dick who can't handle a bit of internet banter
  11. M

    Cancer Sucks

    Dude i'm so sorry to hear about this, but don't give up hope man, as long as you keep a positive state of mind, you've got more chance of beating it, giving up and accepting what the doctors tell you is going to do no good
  12. M

    What bass?

    How much are you looking for it? It looks and sounds like an awesome bass
  13. M

    What bass?

    I'll try the SXR out, from what i've heard it sounds like it is a better bass. I'm moving away from trying to do all that ultra detuned tight metal shit, i want to do some rock!
  14. M

    What bass?

    At the moment i've got an Ibanez SR 305, but my mate is selling his Ibanez SRX-705, the through neck model. Would i be better off sticking with my SR 305 or selling that and buying the SRX-705?
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    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    I just got this Or a nicer stock photo of it Charvel desolation ds 2, it...
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    I need a budget guitar

    Haha yeah i should have been more specific. I play sludge metal and death metal, but really more slower heavy shit like Crowbar/Eyehategod, so passive pickups would probably suit it better
  17. M

    I need a budget guitar

    I'm after a budget guitar that would be reasonably solid! I've got about £350 to spend, i'm UK based so shipping guitars over from other countries would probably be too expensive. I'm after a les paul style guitar, something solid that wont fall to pieces Any help would be useful dudes!
  18. M

    Offer : Free Reamping

    I got some DI tracks here :P
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    Doom Project! Sunn o))) inspired!

    I forgot this thread was still on here! Yeah man i'd be up for getting it started again, i've got better at everything since this started, and it'd be a shame to see what we got done wasted haha, i asked Gareth and hes still interested as well, but i dont know about Joe or the others, i havent...
  20. M

    All Gareth hate aside....

    Its fucking epic. Of Gallows and the title track are my favourites so far. The production is sick, but the drums could do with being humanized more, but thats just what i'd do haha. Any info on what you used? guitars and basses and shit