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  1. Seth Munson

    yoooooooooo wake up

  2. Seth Munson

    Kemper Profiling Amp

    Dude please stop posting clips :C I was so fucking pissed off when I called to order mine about a month ago and they were backordered.
  3. Seth Munson

    I'm Back

    The lack of internet when I am on tour is never a bad thing. Logged on today to see everything has changed o.O
  4. Seth Munson

    Signals ZomBass 1.0 (Fender J-Bass Kontakt Instrument)

    You guys can decrease the attack right in Kontakt. And seriously, it's only $20. If you were paying $200 I can see why things like that would matter but it's so cheap in price idk how something like that could determine if you buy or not.
  5. Seth Munson

    Emmure - Slave to the Game

    The Zuess albums slayed.
  6. Seth Munson

    Signals ZomBass 1.0 (Fender J-Bass Kontakt Instrument)

    It does go down to F.. It sounds better this way imo.
  7. Seth Munson

    Vanisher - Reaction (single)

    I love Kyle's version of the record!! :)
  8. Seth Munson

    5150 III 50 watt and 100 watt comparison clips

    Well shit, does anyone want to buy my 100w 5150 III? ;)
  9. Seth Munson

    Signals ZomBass 1.0 (Fender J-Bass Kontakt Instrument)

    glad people are digging the tones I did on this! :)
  10. Seth Munson

    Where is TimIsLegend?

    Same, never on here anymore.
  11. Seth Munson

    BLENDING SNARES! yay! or not so much.... thoughts...

    I always pitch to the real snare of course just by using my ears. I also pretty much do blending the same way as you but I can't express how important it is for everyone to be printing their snares/replacements. When you do you start to realize how out of phase most samples are from each other...
  12. Seth Munson

    New Meshuggah album guitars using VST's??

    Honestly, they probably don't want to sound like everything else that is copying them in the first place. (copy the people who originally copied them) So they are doing things a bit different to stay different and not fall into the fad category. Makes sense to me.
  13. Seth Munson

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    GASsing for Metrum (especially when my demo ran out), some nexus expansions and some outboard shiz
  14. Seth Munson

    Switching DAW

    I just couldn't help myself but laugh at how ridiculous that statement is.
  15. Seth Munson

    Impending Doom - For the Wicked

    Seriously blown away at this one and was not expecting it at all.
  16. Seth Munson

    STEMS. POST-HARDCORE. how many of you would mix it if i posted?!

    Didn't have enough time to do the whole song but here is a little portion of it, was fun to get away from my work for a little bit. :)
  17. Seth Munson

    Favorite set of Joey's toms?

    Lol at the guys posting what cymbals they like in a thread that is asking about which toms they like
  18. Seth Munson


    Buy my Adams from me :P