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  1. Star Ark

    Original Melodic Death Song - Parody of Existence

    This recording features drum tracks engineered by me about 15 years ago at university. I had no idea what I was doing when I put up the mics. Recently the lead guitarist the vocalist and I completed the song. Guitars going into Bias Amp and the vocals are Rode NT1A with the UA Solo 610 pre.
  2. Star Ark

    Been trying to mix and post as much as possible during quarantine. would love some feedback!

    and 2 fast hats in a row could use velocity change. I like all the other cymbals.
  3. Star Ark

    Been trying to mix and post as much as possible during quarantine. would love some feedback!

    Sounds pretty sweet to me but I don't like the feel that it's recorded to a click, the 2nd half sounds really cool tight but I'd love that intro to be really loose. Cool track man!
  4. Star Ark

    First time recording in like 4 years. New Rig, New DAW, New everything basically.

    cool tight riffing, yeah I think the bass could use a top end clack sort of sound and less flub
  5. Star Ark

    To Live is to Die - melodic bridge and solo arranged for one guitar

    I think this section of music is Metallica's finest moment. Here is my take on a one man arrangement of the bridge and solo sections played on an all solid wood Cordoba C9. You can download the tab here:
  6. Star Ark

    Nothing Else Majors - Major key Metallica Cover with tabs/notation linked

    Cornflake Girl by Tori Amos. Stunning song and I'm surprised nobody has tried an arrangement of it yet. Notation's here:
  7. Star Ark

    Nothing Else Majors - Major key Metallica Cover with tabs/notation linked

    Confide in me by Kylie Minogue. It's dark as hell. I'm not sure if it's the dark melodies or Minogue's soft core porn video clip but this one stuck in my mind ever since I was about 10. You can download the notation for free here...
  8. Star Ark

    Nothing Else Majors - Major key Metallica Cover with tabs/notation linked

    Thanks for the kind words! I plan to keep making arrangements but don't want to be a douche and make dozens of threads so here is another arrangement, Eleanor Rigby. One of the Beatles most metal songs IMO. Notation here:
  9. Star Ark

    Nothing Else Majors - Major key Metallica Cover with tabs/notation linked

    I made an acoustic finger style arrangement for Nothing Else Matters in E major with many jazzy extensions and a baroque classical vibe. You can download the notation/tab here: And you can watch a demonstration of the...
  10. Star Ark


    I use Bias Amp pro 1 and have had horrible bugs/glitches and customer service issues. I just updated it a week ago and every parameter has changed and all the setting are saved in the presets but each parameter sounds different! So i update it and every tone I have made is useless peaking fizz...
  11. Star Ark

    TSE x50 metal mixing +(settings)

    Sounds good in the mix but I really think there are better options out there now. You may be such a good mixer you can make everything sound good and would sound even better with something else
  12. Star Ark

    Mercuriall Audio "ReAxis"

    Yeah this is great, it is actually hard to make it shrill. That was my original confusion, I'm so used to shrill amp sims this was very strange at first. Only issue I am experiencing is the volume drop outs being to frequent to really test. I want to play into the setting, double track, add...
  13. Star Ark

    Mercuriall Audio "ReAxis"

    Ok the default mic positions were too smooth for me, I was vert confused but now I have a sm57 closer to the cone and it sounds very very nice!
  14. Star Ark

    Mercuriall Audio "ReAxis"

    Ok doing it right now :)
  15. Star Ark

    Acoustic Treatment Before And After Comparison

    ^ I got 12 of these Frequency Range: 200Hz and above Dimensions: 600 x 600 x 75mm And 4 bass traps which I cannot find the dimensions of. I'm in Australia and I bought them off a guy who designs the acoustics of universities and other things like that. I sold musical equipment and we did...
  16. Star Ark

    Mercuriall Audio "ReAxis"

    I can't tell if it beats out Bias Amp, at least this vid has it in a full mix, sounds pretty decent
  17. Star Ark

    Acoustic Treatment Before And After Comparison

    Do you guys think it is possible to get significant bass frequency improvement for under $1000? Not just a small improvement but a decent and reliable low end? I'm using a fairly simple starter acoustic panel pack and it helps in a lot of ways for spatial info: I get all my delays and reverbs...
  18. Star Ark

    I've organized a workshop with Marcos from RAGE - awesome guy!

    First album I ever bought was Execution Guaranteed by Rage when I was about 8. I had no idea what it was but for some reason I let my older brother talk me into it and man was I happy customer. Mani Schmidt had some great solos, the guys on Execution Guaranteed were awesome, Smolksi competent...
  19. Star Ark

    Facebook Groups

    I joined recently and it's ok but not great. People rarely elaborate on comments, they just blurt out whatever model number or vst they use as the best when it comes to polls. Basically most advice seems to be coming from people who aren't qualified to compare as they are not experienced enough...
  20. Star Ark

    Anyone suffering from CTS ? (Carpal tunnels)

    Great job at pretending your insult makes any sense :rofl: