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  1. Kara-Shehr

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Because I love you.
  2. Kara-Shehr

    Controversial opinions on metal

  3. Kara-Shehr

    Controversial opinions on metal

    And shitty vocals. Don't forget about them shitty vocals meng.
  4. Kara-Shehr

    Controversial opinions on metal

    No it isn't you retard. You probably watch old lady skat porn on a Mac laptop inside of a independently owned coffee house in San Francisco thinking your all hip and cool while doing it. Fuck you. Brain Drill > Every band you like.
  5. Kara-Shehr

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Oh yeah Opeth, Origin and Obscura > Cirith Ungol, Manilla Road, The Chasm, and Agalloch.
  6. Kara-Shehr

    Controversial opinions on metal

    Every metal band ever sucks and I hope you all die of AIDS. /thread.
  7. Kara-Shehr

    Fellow members of the website you miss hearing

    Oh fuck I almost forgot. I wish Prismaticsphere and Tom Brady or whatever he calls himself both come back.
  8. Kara-Shehr

    Fellow members of the website you miss hearing

    I hated that guy, he was a massive chode. I hope he comes back so we can argue about Pantera.
  9. Kara-Shehr

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    The Pens have enough players to win. They just suck right now. That's about as deep as it goes really.
  10. Kara-Shehr

    NFL 2014

    Who the fuck throws on 1 and goal on second down with seconds left in the Superbowl? Un fucking believable. Complete and total stupidity from the coaching staff. They should have taken Lynch and pounded that shit in there.
  11. Kara-Shehr

    Metal 2015

    inb4 Manilla Road new album circle jerk.
  12. Kara-Shehr

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    I just looked at the standings and saw that Buffalo is on a 12 game losing streak right now. Wow. God damn.
  13. Kara-Shehr

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    The All Star game is so pointless and stupid. I lol when people get pissed off when their favorite player doesn't get picked to play in it. It amazes me to see how much people care about a game that doesn't matter at all. Fucking everyone is injured on the Pens, the secondary scoring is...
  14. Kara-Shehr

    Albums currently kicking your ass

    :kickass: I'm a total unashamed fan boy of this band and this is making it worse. ND is on fire, absolutely insane album.
  15. Kara-Shehr

    Metal 2015

    Correction. The new Napalm Death album IS fucking sick.
  16. Kara-Shehr

    Metal 2015

    New Napalm Death is going to be fucking sick.
  17. Kara-Shehr

    Metal 2015

    I'm looking forward to Dark Funeral, Torche, and Melechesh.
  18. Kara-Shehr

    Official National Hockey League Thread

    Pens just need to get healthy. Everyone is all diseased and beat up n' shit.
  19. Kara-Shehr

    GMDer of 2014

    Thread sucks.