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  1. G

    Power Quest - Live at the Underworld (Bootleg Release)

    Seems like you put a lot of effort in this project. I'd like to buy one when it's finished, please:)
  2. G

    Eden's Curse announce new line up

    Well done and congratulations Steve:)! Will definitely check out Symphony of Sin then!
  3. G

    What made you sad today?

    The Economy. With my current job and the price for somewhere to live I can afford to live, but not much more. I am young and should be exploring the world but I feel like I can't afford what I want to do...:(
  4. G

    Power Quest London May 31st 2013

    All I can say is to this is good luck and have a wonderful time. I hope people take a lot of pictures/videos and post here. Have fun!!!!
  5. G

    Rhapsody of Fire new live album!

    Yes! I don't listen to live recordings much either, but this is a must. And I doubt it, but I wish we'd see/hear Luca on there somewhere!
  6. G

    Latest CD you bought...

    FINALLY got myself Ascending to infinity for a birthday present to myself(turned 19 a few days ago:)). Amazing music, truly the meaning of epic.
  7. G

    What made you happy today?

    Listening to Neverworld and the Blood Alliance album made me happy today. Especially Better Days and Only in my Dreams:)
  8. G

    What made you happy today?

    I think you say messenger? Basically I'll be biking around delivering stuff. It's not something I'll do a career in or anything;) but it's basically my first job and will be nice to earn my own living, especially since I quite recently moved away from home(about half a year ago):)! Feels good...
  9. G

    PPUSA interview from 2009

    Good read. Makes more me sad about the split up though:(. Had no idea you wanted to make a career in sports as young Steve, lol.
  10. G

    What made you happy today?

    Happy belated birthday dude! Hope you had a good one. WMMH: I got a job.
  11. G

    Pledge for more Power?

    Ohh really? Well I guess there's no other choice than making another album then, ehh?:D;)
  12. G

    Merry Christmas one and all

    While reading on the wiki about Sir Christopher Lee I read this: "In December 2012 he released an EP of heavy metal covers of Christmas songs called A Heavy Metal Christmas." :lol:!
  13. G

    Pledge for more Power?

    At the moment I'm not in the situation where I can give money away. I'm in a economical situation where I barely know if I'll be able to pay the rent. But I'd absolutely give to Power Quest in the future, once I have a steady check.
  14. G

    What made you sad today?

    Desperately trying to get a job without any success, yet.
  15. G

    I have a confession to make

    Yes, I assumed it was you. Welcome back. Please no more discussing the past, if you want to be part of this then don't make a big deal about it. And yes, please choose your words more carefully next time. This isn't a good opportunity for anything, part from maybe thanking Power Quest and...
  16. G

    PQ Press Release January 10 2013

    Wow. I am speechless. Power Quest have really had a huge influence on me and really change my life. One of those few bands that really makes you see things a different way. I must say it will be hard believing this. It was a beautiful message Steve. I'd really from the bottom of my heart thank...
  17. G

    Power Quest news January10th

    Dom, I really hope you're trolling right now. If so, you got me. If not, well I'm not sure what I'm going to say. I came here on the computer having a hard time to go to sleep...this wont make it easier:(
  18. G


    Hello and welcome to the forum! Hoping to see you here quite often, and will try to be on here more often as well:)!
  19. G

    Rate the song above you

    Another try to keep this thread alive:) Wtf? Apple/walking dead commercial?
  20. G

    Power Quest news January10th

    If I'm at the computer at the time I'll definitely check this out. No matter what, looking forward to hear the news!!