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  1. TravestyOfMan

    Recommended albums

    I've been trying to get into some Aussie bands recently and started by picking up Alchemist's 'Organasm' which I love. I want to pick up some of their earlier albums... which order would you recommend I buy them (from best to worst)? Budget is a little tight at the moment... I'm really into...
  2. TravestyOfMan

    Metallica wearing Sisters shirt?!

    There were always pretty cool weren't they? Until their music suddenly became crap.
  3. TravestyOfMan

    Best Band In The World Ever!!!

    awww, no way man! It's gotta be the good old 'knot. People smell like shit and all the rest of that jazz. What have they got, like 50 band members or something? That'd have to make their music better, wouldn't it?
  4. TravestyOfMan

    When are the Swedish Grammy's???

    Refresh my memory, what category was that in and who were the other nominess? Surely not the same category as Opeth... what the fuck's going on man... ;)
  5. TravestyOfMan


    I picked up a compilation album called "A-Sides" a few years ago and it has most of their hits and best tunes. Might be a good place to start.
  6. TravestyOfMan

    Was YES the first prog-rock band?

    Not corny at all, I totally agree with you. They were an incredible band, and when you move past their more popular stuff you can really see the experimentation in their work. They were innovators in a lot of ways, more than most people give them credit for.
  7. TravestyOfMan

    New Soilwork

    I posted something about the new album the other day. I don't know... there's nothing really spectactular about Soliwork's music in my opinion. I've only heard Predator's Portrait and Chainheart Machine and one song off the new album, and while each of the tracks is very listenable there's...
  8. TravestyOfMan

    Goofy Masks, Makeup and Costumes

    Here's a theory: bands that are lacking in the musical talent department often employ the silly masks, makeup and costumes technique in order to draw attention away from the fact that they play crap music. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule. Any thoughts? For some black/ gothic metal...
  9. TravestyOfMan

    Opeth's Lyrics - Weak Spot?

    I can't really understand what is being said 95% of the time, but for me that's with most growling vocals ( maybe I don't have the ear for it ;) ). The lyrics themselves are excellent though. The great thing is that you can take your own meanings from them, which I think is definitely a...
  10. TravestyOfMan


    The argument about the "coldness" of CD sound and the depth and "warmness" that vinyl gives will always come up I guess but CD's are just more convenient. The cover-art thing is pretty cool though (for vinlys). Why don't they just release CD's in big fucking oversized cases? ;)
  11. TravestyOfMan

    New Soilwork album

    Anyone heard anything about the new Soilwork album, or heard any tracks. I've only heard the sample track on the Nuclear Blast site ( ) - sounds okay, hopefully the rest of the album is better. What do you guys and gals think?
  12. TravestyOfMan

    Opeth Has Spoiled Me

    Yeah, I was totally the same. There was a period where I felt that I didn't need any other music other than Opeth. They were just such a revelation to me when I started listening to their work and they totally changed and developed my taste in music and metal in particular. I thought bands like...
  13. TravestyOfMan

    Check These Two Reviews!!!

    Interesting review, and well written. I like it when people analyse albums song-by-song, so yeah, this was well done.
  14. TravestyOfMan

    Opeth Announcement: Opeth Live Videos For You All!

    True, but it's pretty minimal, and I'm sure most people would give up a slight loss in video quality in order to have a smaller download. I mean, it's a bootleg anyway, not like it's cinema quality to begin with (no offense intended).
  15. TravestyOfMan

    I was crying all night

    Hopefully they will come to Australia to promote the new CD, so maybe they could stop over in New Zealand during that visit. Hell, New Zealand's a beautiful country, so why not do some sight-seeing.
  16. TravestyOfMan

    I'm moving to Europe

    Europe would be pretty awesome. The metal festivals they have over there are supposed to blow away the stuff in the U.S or the rest of the world, but that's only what I've read. Scandinavian bands are amazing, so that would be reason enough for me to go there.
  17. TravestyOfMan

    Opeth Announcement: Opeth Live Videos For You All!

    I make VCD's out of AVI files all the time, and I just use demo/sharewae/freeware programs. If they're DivX, you can simply convert them to MPG. The VCD burning program I use (which I download a demo of for free) does this automatically, but there are also freeware utils available to do this...
  18. TravestyOfMan

    Opeth Announcement: Opeth Live Videos For You All!

    Not to sound like a prick or anything (these videos sound like they're great and I'm sure a lot of effort was put into the setup) but why are the videos so big? MPG format? If you convert/ compress them into a DivX AVI file I'm sure you can get them down to at least a third the size (the utils...
  19. TravestyOfMan

    Why Does In The Mist She Was Standing go by so quick.

    I'm a real sucker for long songs, I don't know why. The longer the better, as long as the song isn't shit of course. :) It's kind of like the band is teasing you when a song feels like it's been cut short.
  20. TravestyOfMan

    Help save my soul

    I've been into metal for a few years now but I have to admit that I have never really gotten into Aussie metal, not because I think the bands are shit or anything, but basically through my own ignorance. I've heard the odd song here or there from Alchemist, Dreadnaught... mostly stuff off Triple...