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  1. Colin M. St. Claire

    Andy compressing vocals during tracking

    I tracked vocals into a Distressor for the first time last weekend. I don't think I'll ever go without! Not only will it require less processing come mix time, but the vocalist sounded better to himself, which meant more confidence, which meant better takes throughout! Worst case scenario with...
  2. Colin M. St. Claire

    My first paid gig, rough mix, death metal real drums.

    Hey thanks a lot man! Kiitos!:kickass:
  3. Colin M. St. Claire

    My first paid gig, rough mix, death metal real drums.

    Thanks man. Yeah, I think there needs to be more taming in the low end too. I know what you mean about "close" sounding. I'm going to reamp the guitars. As far as the guitars sounding weird, I think that's from me trying my best to make really sloppy playing sound tight.
  4. Colin M. St. Claire

    My first paid gig, rough mix, death metal real drums.

    Hey guys, would love some feedback on this! Thanks a ton. :kickass: A little trivia, I played bass and did the section of vocals at 1:30.
  5. Colin M. St. Claire

    Post Faders in Reaper?

    Hey, I has anyone figured this out? I didn't even realize this was a problem until a friend pointed out that every time I raise/lower a fader, it changes the input gain on my plugins. Pretty stupid.
  6. Colin M. St. Claire

    Melodic Death Metal with Mixing Files!

    Thanks for this man. Killer song.
  7. Colin M. St. Claire

    FNM style multi to mix

    "Problem loading page" in Firefox. Bummer, would love to work on something with clean vocals.
  8. Colin M. St. Claire

    Tech Death Multi For mix practice

    A little late, but here's my mix. After listening a bit I think the bass is a little loud and the snare is a bit lacking. Thoughts? :dopey:
  9. Colin M. St. Claire

    wanna check a raw/lively as fuck mix of one of the best bands in the world?

    I don't suppose we could get some stems...:notworthy
  10. Colin M. St. Claire

    wanna check a raw/lively as fuck mix of one of the best bands in the world?

    Dude, fuck yeah. This band and mix is kickass! Unique to say the least.:kickass:
  11. Colin M. St. Claire

    My grind/death/crust/hardcore band (Real drums, 5150 etc)

    I shared it on my Facebook but there was a clitch and it made it so it looked like my mother in law posted it haha. :goggly:
  12. Colin M. St. Claire

    My grind/death/crust/hardcore band (Real drums, 5150 etc)

    Dude, you really did a killer job on this IMO. The sound is fantastic for the style. It's dirty but still punchy. Great job!
  13. Colin M. St. Claire

    Recording drums for acoustic/ unplugged band- mic choices

    It could be a placebo effect. Haha. But I would think so. Sort of like taking the windscreen off an sm7. Also, I was going to suggest using your nicer pre on snare rather than kick.
  14. Colin M. St. Claire

    My grind/death/crust/hardcore band (Real drums, 5150 etc)

    Im getting a 404 on the DB link. Care to repost? I would love to practice with this.
  15. Colin M. St. Claire

    Recording drums for acoustic/ unplugged band- mic choices

    For softer, more subtle stuff I would definitely add a bottom snare mic. Let some ghosty nuances come through a little better. I've had good luck with the i5 on the bottom, especially if you take out the little foam piece inside. Good luck! It sounds like fun. I have yet to record drums that...
  16. Colin M. St. Claire

    How do you start your mixes?

    Levels (get em right with the loudest peaking around -8,-6), panning, high and low pass filters everywhere, basic subtractive eq. I try not to solo too much but it's damn hard not to!
  17. Colin M. St. Claire

    Miced Amp sounds always too mid focused and thin

    I usually just use one 57 pointed at where the cone meets the rest of the speaker. It's in a cube shaped basement room. Does room shape and size make a big deal when close micing a cab?
  18. Colin M. St. Claire

    Miced Amp sounds always too mid focused and thin

    I have the opposite problem. My mic'd guitar sounds are SUPER dark and muddy.
  19. Colin M. St. Claire

    Looking for somebody (preferably a drummer) to sample drums for scratch tracks

    I'm not a drummer but I'm damn good at programming drums. PM me!:kickass: