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  1. H

    Why is ASU a HDCD?

    Just for marketing purposes? I have heard the album with a CD player which supports HDCD und compared it with the "normal" 16bit audio. It sounds the same. I also recorded the 20bit HDCD and measured the dynamic range. You can say there is no difference...
  2. H


    Hi, has Ron ever released a Vinyl version of his music? Blotted Science on Vinyl with good sound quality would be nice ;)
  3. H

    any vinyl fans here?

    I am interested in the Skullgrid vinyl version. GarethSE can you say something about the sound quality? I hope it's better than the CD.
  4. H

    Peppered Cancer and School

    Sorry for picking up the thread again, but... is it possible to get these songs in better quality? Flac or 320kbit\s MP3 would be nice. I would pay money for it.
  5. H

    your maiden favorites..

    Transylvania (best instrumental) Prodigal Son (because it's so different from the normal Maiden style) Rime Of The Ancient Mariner Alexander The Great
  6. H

    BUG OFF!

    Thats true, but I think it contributed to the hard and chunky sound although I am also against low dynamic range. The new Terrestial Exiled song has actually quite good dynamic. Matches more the style of Spastic Ink, but with even better production.