Search results

  1. Wandrail

    Wardruna (Nordic Folk Weirdness)

    Definitely among the better groups of the more recent wave of dark folk/neofolk/pagan music. They're more interesting than some others who are just rehashing the sound of acts like Death in June and Sol Invictus. It really crosses the threshold from neofolk, world music, ambient, and maybe even...
  2. Wandrail

    Official ProgPower USA XIV Roster - September 6-7, 2013

    Unfortunately Mike Baker, the original vocalist died in 2008. The new guy Brian Ashland reminds me a lot at times of Geoff Tate (prior to blowing out his voice).
  3. Wandrail

    Hungry? Vinyl will serve food at PPUSA

    I had the pulled pork sandwich and fries, which was actually well above average. It wasn't cheap, but it wasn't expensive either. I would rather pay $10 for decent food than $5 for some crap. Mine came out really quick but then I timed it well as I was sitting there drinking anyway.
  4. Wandrail

    Cheers 'n Jeers '12

    Poison ivy does grow everywhere around here, but unless you were rolling around in some overgrown, untended lot somewhere I doubt you got any...
  5. Wandrail

    Interesting occupations

    A quick search shows that he teaches at Universität Innsbruck and looks like he went the whole nine yards and got his PhD to boot. Not too shabby!
  6. Wandrail

    Official ProgPower USA XIV Roster - September 6-7, 2013

    This is a great lineup, including the bands I am not that familiar with but have been checking out over the past couple days. I need new and interesting stuff...I'm actually excited about Circus Maximus because I had trouble getting into them before, but Nine really grabbed me big time. That...
  7. Wandrail

    Cheers 'n Jeers '12

    CHEERS Obviously the bands, particularly Primordial and Serenity for me. As polar opposite as they are, those two bands made my year. The bar actually having a decent BBQ sammich. In fact, it was quite tasty and I know BBQ both good and bad. Whoever decided on a guitar backline of...
  8. Wandrail

    Cheers 'n Jeers '12

    Hey I understand, I used to work in e-commerce development and I can recall crap like getting called up in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner...although I think missing Serenity and Primordial would piss me off more. :grin: (Haven't played one of those little toasters yet, but I'd like to check...
  9. Wandrail

    Cheers 'n Jeers '12

    Dude, what the deuce?! :o
  10. Wandrail


    Absolutely killer, one of the best performances I've ever seen at this fest. They have great songs and pull them off incredibly well live, all while having great energy. Also that custom Mayones Regius 7 string was BEAUTIFUL.
  11. Wandrail


    I had been waiting years to have a chance to see Primordial and they did not disappoint in the least. I never would have thought I'd be seeing them at ProgPower for the obvious reason, but I personally love all kinds of metal so it works for me. I enjoyed the juxtaposition of Serenity and...
  12. Wandrail

    New Edguy song and Video "Robin Hood" posted!

    Really. So Hellfire Club and Rocket Ride constitute Edguy's high water mark for you? :err:
  13. Wandrail

    New Edguy song and Video "Robin Hood" posted!

    The song just lays there and dies. It isn't about being "serious" as Edguy has always had some kind of humor and fun in their songs. But they used to write kick ass riffs and catchy melodies that would get stuck in your heads for days, weeks, and months. I think they lost their inspiration and...
  14. Wandrail

    Ghost: I must be in the extreme minority...

    I don't really get it either. I have heard all these comparisons to Mercyful Fate, and if that were true I would probably love it. Instead, it's just really boring with a retro gimmick. I can see where it has a certain appeal to some, but the music itself just doesn't grab me in any way, and...
  15. Wandrail

    QUEENSRŸCHE: Dedicated to Chaos

    It isn't Queensryche - but I kind of like that song. Good atmosphere, nice layering of different elements...kind of sounds like it could be on a Paatos disc.
  16. Wandrail

    Khan officially quits Kamelot

    From the period of time Karma came out up until they kind of lost me with Poison, Kamelot had become one of my absolute favorite bands. I even loved Ghost Opera, which probably got more play from me in the year or so after it came out than any other album in that time. Kamelot is definitely...
  17. Wandrail

    Amon Amarth outsells Whitesnake, Pearl Jam, Cavalera Conspiracy, Within Temptation

    The funny thing about this is that some of the guys in Amon Amarth are old enough to be those kids' Dads. :grin:
  18. Wandrail

    Avantasia Question

    I think this version is better in almost every way. The album version was 'polished' up into a bit more cohesive, popish number, but this version is more interesting.
  19. Wandrail

    A Dance With Dragons publication date

    I'll believe it when I see the book with my own two eyes.