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  1. Hard Lovin' Man

    Sweden Rock Live DVD?

    I was wondering the same thing, hope in something new!
  2. Hard Lovin' Man


    I'm so sad right now. It's the first thing I've read this morning, and this news to me (and obviously to all the fans of this AMAZING guitarist) is terribly bad. Shine on Mark, see you soon.
  3. Hard Lovin' Man

    Mark Reale in critical condition

    I'm so sad right now... hope you get well soon Mark!
  4. Hard Lovin' Man

    Any chance for a european tour?

    Got it, I (obviously:D) hope so! Thanks man!
  5. Hard Lovin' Man

    Any chance for a european tour?

    As title says, are there any chances to see you in Europe this year? Sure you'll be headliners for this year's Headangers O.A., but are you planning on having more dates in other countries? Shine on \m/
  6. Hard Lovin' Man

    Time to talk about Immortal Soul!

    As title says, I think it's time to post our impressions on Riot's last studio album! After almost 10 days I'd say that this album is definitely killer, there are a lot of songs which are impressive, and when I can't choose the three best songs out of twelve it means that what I listened to is...
  7. Hard Lovin' Man

    Any New Merchandise?

    Well it would be awesome!
  8. Hard Lovin' Man

    IMMORTAL SOUL - Reviews

    Exagerated. I really love this album and yes, it's one of the best metal albums from year 2000, but to be honest it's far from being one of the best ever. One thing's for sure: Immortal Soul sets a new standard for today's metal bands, I think that albums like this comes once in a decade.
  9. Hard Lovin' Man

    Appreciation RIOT

    Yeah, I'm sure Mike is so involved into the songwriting... Oh my, I really hope he'll do a youtube channel, that would be awesome! Ahahah it's funny, I'm trying to play the whole rhythm section of Wings are for Angels, but there are some chords that are actually difficult to find out, so this...
  10. Hard Lovin' Man

    Appreciation RIOT

    You're right. Bobby is quoted for his monstrous drumming, Mark for the amazing work with the lead and the riffs, Tony for the outstanding vocals and DVS for the great and solid work with the bass, but the don't talk much about Mike. I think he's a kickass guitarist... I heard that Mike also...
  11. Hard Lovin' Man

    Metal Express Radio to play tracks off Immortal Soul this Thursday

    I'd really like to listen, but I know too many songs yet, and the album is going to be release here very soon... I have to resist and wait for Immortal Soul to come out!
  12. Hard Lovin' Man

    Riot cancels Hammerfall tour :(

    Bad news, I just hope Tony gets well soon. Anyway, I also wish that this could be the best chance to have Riot as headliners... I know so much people who's already selling their Hammerfall tickets because they just wanted to see Riot:grin:
  13. Hard Lovin' Man

    RIOT (from Power Rock Today, 10/01)

    Found this on Youtube: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH I can't wait! :hypno:
  14. Hard Lovin' Man

    Immortal Soul review at Metal Express Radio

    Not bad at all! Now I REALLY can't wait for it:yell:
  15. Hard Lovin' Man

    Wings are for Angels Lyrics

    Thank you so much Bobby! I'm not american, that's why I need this. I'm reading it now and you're right, great lyrics!
  16. Hard Lovin' Man

    Wings are for Angels Lyrics

    As title says, can anyone please post here the lyrics of this amazing new song? I can't find them and I can't understand every word Tony says in this song. Thank you guys \m/
  17. Hard Lovin' Man

    Who are you, and your first Riot experience

    Hi everybody, I'm Matteo from Italy. I'm a Riot fan since last year, when I've listened Thundersteel for the first time and I suddently fell in love for them, so I started getting all their material; now I have the whole studio discography, except for Nightbreaker (which I really like :() and...