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  1. ads24

    New Mix - Advice!

    hah yeah i think i did aswell! haha, cheers for the comments and stuff, been working on my guitar tone a lot now, and used it in a mix with stems that Cory posted, improvement?
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    Multitracks to Bulbagore - "The Gingerbeard Man" done by Cory Brunnemann

    Had a go at mixing it, was fun! cheers for the stems man!
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    New Mix - Advice!

    also does anyone have any advice on guitar processing post podfarm?
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    New Mix - Advice!

    the guitars are real, but i know what you mean! i tried the cutting everything up and moving to the beat etc, do you think it is because of that that it sounds fake, or the processing?
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    New Mix - Advice!

    Working on improving my mix, would be awesome if i could get advice to improve it/constructive criticism! Im going for a sound probably similair to that of memphis may fire. Cheers
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    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    awesome, and sure will try that. and i havent done that so far, would you recommend it?
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    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    reduced the bass, and put a slight high pass on the bass at 50hz. Also turned up the presence of the guitars on pod farm, sound at all better?
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    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    Cheers man, will try both of those first thing tomorrow, I hadn't done either. Will let you know how it sounds :)
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    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    i do have a subwoofer, i get that problem quite often, but not entirely sure what to do about it! ha i dont know where its coming from :s i could try just reducing the bass a bit?
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    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    Been working on a new mix for my band, slightly djenty feel, just seeing if anyone had any ideas or ways i could improve the mix! no vocals at the moment. Cheers
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    New Djentyish-Hardcore Mix, help appreciated!

    Been working on a new mix for my band, slightly djenty feel, just seeing if anyone had any ideas or ways i could improve the mix! no vocals at the moment. Cheers
  12. ads24

    Bass and Kick mix HELP!

    cheers for the advice :) will try that out with the compression aswell :) and its Zombass from signals audio, you can run it in kontact. And for R-Bass i just put it on the master track because sometimes my mix seems to lack a bit of bass:) Anyone else?
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    Kick and Bass, mix tips, HELP!

    Hi, just working on how the kick sits together with the bass in my mix, would be very useful if you had any advice on how i could improve this! With R bass: Without R bass: Cheers
  14. ads24

    Bass and Kick mix HELP!

    Hi, just working on how the kick sits together with the bass in my mix, would be very useful if you had any advice on how i could improve this! With R bass: Without R bass: Cheers
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    Advice Needed on mix!!

    Been working on a new mix recently, just looking for any advice on how to improve it!!
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    New Hardcore STEMS

    ah these are sounding sweet! wicked to hear different interpretations aswell!
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    New Hardcore STEMS

    Heres the updated folder of all the tracks, instead of downloading them separately, if anyone wants them!
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    New Hardcore STEMS

    ah balls, sorry ive been a bit retarded here! hah there it is!
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    New Hardcore STEMS

    and yep, tempo is 180 throughout
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    New Hardcore STEMS

    Ah my bad, completely forgot cymbals! here they are: and all the other tracks are there, there arent any backing tracks except for like 2 bars of a synth, and thats in there :)